Today’s Middle East -- Iraq Charlie Brown’s Boot
Zooming in: Charlie Brown’s Boot Laces
directions: Label the geographic features, cities and other locations from below on the map. Follow the directions on labeling.
Mesopotamia = “Land Between the Rivers”
Mesopotamia Is part of the Fertile Crescent
Sumer = First Civilization Sargon of Akkad will take over Sumer to create the first Empire
Empires will expand and be taken over by others
Mesopotamia c. 8000 BC c. 3600 BC c. 3200 BC c. 2334 BC c. 1792 BC c. 539 BC Development of agriculture Civilizations begin first writings using Sargon of Akkad Hammurabi of Cyrus the Great In Tigris and Euphrates in Sumer. The first cuneiform conquers the city- Babylonia brings from Persia River Valley city-states arise ruled states of Sumer to the first code of Conquers Babylon priests and kings first wheeled establish the first law “vehicles” empire