Bellringer Jan. 23/27 What message (aka THEME) about the truth in life do you want to share about your unit 2 project?
Agenda Reading Quiz on “The Yellow Wallpaper” (did you read – not just run your eyes over the paper because that’s not reading. That’s wasting your time.) Answer the questions as best you can. You have 10 minutes. Preparing to write the CSET response –you’ll need your copy of the story, your graphic organizer, and lined paper. Finishing Unit 2 project – what’s the point to the project, how should it look, how will it be graded, when is it due.
Reading Quiz 1. What happens at the end of the story to the husband? 2. Trace how the narrator views the wallpaper. Find three examples from three different sections of the story. List each example, the section of the story it is from, and what the changing view reveals about the narrator. 3. What possible message about life could the author be telling us? (you know, what’s the theme, the debatable opinion?)
Writing the CSET: Due Jan 28/29 Step 1- first we have to determine what in the world happened in the story. Step 2 – where is she reliable and where is she not reliable? Step 3 – what EFFECTS (third column) seem to occur most often. Step 4 – begin to answer the question with your claim. How does CPG stretch the bounds of reality using the perceptions of an unreliable narrator? Step 5 – Find your evidence. You will need around 4-5 pieces of evidence to adequately explore this question. Step 6 – write down your explanation of each quotation – how is that particular quotation stretching reality or keeping it real. Step 7 – put steps 4 – 6 together. Include the S – for the S, state what CPG’s theme is or the story as well as a few word summary of the story.
Finishing unit 2 project 1 – the point to the project is NOT to retell the story from your life. It is to examine how the truth of the event is played out. So it’s okay if some people from your event weren’t very forthcoming with information or if there is conflicting information. 2 – you have finished your interviews and research by now. (and if you haven’t, keep your mouth shut about it and get it done). What consistencies do you see with the information you have? What contradictions do you see? What might that mean? (Information chart you are creating now) 3 – How is the truth of your event revealed when you can’t trust your own perception (because after all, you are only one view point of the event)?
Putting it together 1. Section 1 – objective information. Here is where you will use the who, what, where, and when information. You must include the researched information here. It will give the basic set up and put your event into a context. 2. Section 2 – What is the main question about your event? For Sarah Polley, it became a question of who her family really are (not just identities, but their relationships to each other) 3. Section 3 – Here is where you include the information from your interviews. What do the other people have to say about the event? Organize so that the information is interesting, so you might include pictures here. 4. Section 4 – What consistencies and inconsistencies is there between the different people? What might those consistencies and inconsistencies mean (in other words, what’s the truth?)
LASt Step: The reflection Essay Here is where you reflect on what you have learned through this project. You must have an ESSAY – introduction, body paragraphs, closing wrap up paragraph. Your THESIS must be what you have learned through doing this project. Your body paragraphs will develop how you learned whatever it is you learned. You will need examples and you will need to explain how those examples either show your lesson or helped you learn your lesson. Your closing wrap up paragraph will summarize in a sentence or two your main point to the reflection essay and then will give something to think about in the future about your event.
Due Date for the Project February 3 (even day) February 4 (odd day) Every day (not class meeting) it is late, you lose 5% of the grade up to 25% of your possible grade. Last possible day to submit is Feb. 11 (even) Feb. 12(odd) – after this day you will need a note from both your parent and your administrator in order to have me even consider accepting your project late. This includes if you are absent every school day from now until then.
Ticket Out the door 3 – three things you need to do to succeed in this class 2 – two things you need to do to finish your unit 2 project 1 – one word of advice to your classmates about succeeding in this class.