All I Really Need to Know I Learned in 4th Grade (Dedicated to Amy and Monica)
1. Students Are Whole People
Personal Number Cards
2. Classroom Community is Worth Building (Because we’re stuck together all day)
Co-create Classroom Norms Say “Can you help me?” “I respectfully disagree.” “That’s okay, try again.” “I’m still working on it.” Don’t Say “That’s easy.” “You didn’t get that??” The answer “I can’t do it.”
3. Consistent Routines are the Key (to a lot) In ES we see how many transitions kids deal with over the course of a day and how useful … in secondary school they go through more we just don’t see them.
Open-ended Warm-up Routine (Start of class every day) Individually, write anything you can think of about what’s up on the board. Share with a partner and record at least one new idea Class share: Record at least one more new idea Math Talk Open-ended Warm-up Routine (Start of class every day)
4. Joy, Love, and Curiosity are the Core
Thanks! @BeckyNFTP