Agenda item 3.2-Restoration Prioritization Framework CGBN March 2014 Agenda item 3.2-Restoration Prioritization Framework
Action 6a-The Restoration Prioritisation Framework By 2014 MS are to develop RPFs at national and sub-national level. RPF WG and contractor ARCADIS looked at a number ofissues and challenges. 4-level model of restoration Next steps
Definition of restoration/degradation 15% of what? Some Key Issues Definition of restoration/degradation 15% of what? Quantitative and/or qualitative? Terrestrial and/or marine? History of the landscape/site Level- EU, biogeographic, Member State
Process of restoration needs to be defined in a better way (see conceptual model Hobbs & Harris for understanding ecosystem states and transitions) work with restoration levels! ‘Restoration’
4 levels tailor-made for every ecosystem type Allows lower restoration ambition for ‘transformed’ ecosystems Degradation Restoration Urban Cropland Grassland Wetland Forest Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4-level concept applied to forests DESCRIPTORS ‘Naturalness’ indicator Connectivity (fragmentation data, data on green corridors); wider landscape level Intensity of exploitation (timber) Surface of forests under Sustainable Forestry Management Surface of forests under HNV forestry Surface of protected forests Forest bird index (or other species indices) Pressure from acidification Pressure from eutrophication (nitrogen deposition) Initiated restoration actions Exclusion criteria 4-level concept applied to forests
4-level concept applied to cropland DESCRIPTORS Management intensity (IACS data?) Connectivity (fragmentation data, data on green corridors); wider landscape level Surface of ecological focus areas (CAP) and the way they are embedded in ecological network Surface of croplands under HNV farmland Farmland bird index (or other species indices) Ecosystem services
4-level concept applied to cropland LEVELS Level 4: area dominated by large monocultures of crops requiring intensive management; CAP ecological focus areas are present as isolated pieces of land with no connection to a green ecological network; farmland bird index species are absent Level 3: area characterized by combination of large monoculture parcels, intensively managed grasslands and landscape elements (tree rows, some hedges, small rivers with natural elements in a narrow bank area); CAP ecological focus areas are located in connection to existing landscape elements; only 2 to 3 species of farmland bird index present, although not in healthy populations 4-level concept applied to cropland
4-level concept applied to cropland LEVELS Level 2: area characterized by mosaic landscape, with smaller parcels of cropland and grassland, and presence of other ecosystem types, such as small forests; still quite intensive farmland management; CAP ecological focus areas are located in connection to existing landscape elements and contribute to improving overall landscape connectivity; the area is connected to the wider ecological network; about 50% of farmland bird index species are present, some of them in healthy populations 4-level concept applied to cropland
4-level concept applied to cropland LEVELS Level 1: area characterized by mosaic landscape, with smaller parcels of cropland and grassland, and presence of other ecosystem types, such as forests and wetlands; extensive farmland management (often traditional farming); high cultural values and wide range of regulatory ecosystem services; CAP ecological focus areas are located in connection to existing landscape elements and contribute to improving overall landscape connectivity; many farmland bird index species are present, most of them with healthy populations 4-level concept applied to cropland
Thank you for your attention Patrick Murphy, DG ENV/B/