INTRODUCTION Strong hook that pertains to the quote you are about to analyze Hook: How will you ever reach a new limit if you’re too encased by the boundaries of your own comfort zone? Hook: Imagine living in such a world where possibilities are endless and there are no limitations that can stand in the way of achieving the unachievable: perfection. Quote: “Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip…is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the changes of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too…”
2. Pertinent background info/summary as it pertains to the quote you are analyzing. Throughout Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a main theme becomes evident: never stop chasing your dreams and at all costs, embrace your own unique thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Despite Jonathan Seagull, the protagonist’s faults and quirks, no matter how much difficulty he experienced and how many times he was told he wasn’t good enough, he fought to keep himself motivated, so that he could be the best version of himself possible. (Introduction of quote here.)
3. Thesis – must contain purpose and how the devices conveyed that purpose effectively By using symbolism in order to compare wingspans to our personal boundaries along with making the allegorical connection to achieving the impossible, Richard Bach, in his writing, eloquently displays how society should never feel “chained” by our own subconscious minds.
As an already spiritual and philosophical story, Bach, with an abrupt syntax combined with both use of anaphora and diction, conveys a lesson about being an individual and choosing God as a guide even if His footsteps lead to a “hostile flock” of society.
BODY PARAGRAPHS Topic Sentence – this has to be a mini thesis of the first point in your main thesis Amid alluding word choice and anaphora, Jonathan Livingston Seagull creates an allegory which mirrors common religious themes about walking the tight rope of faith rather than the valley of worldliness. When Richard Bach states, “…break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too…”, the allegorical connection of doing the impossible becomes clear to the reader. The symbolism of a wingspan tells a great deal about human limitations and makes an almost direct connection to our personal comfort zones and how far we choose to expand our horizons.
2. Once you have identified the technique, now you must analyze how it influenced the reader to the author’s purpose
Bach firsts starts by addressing that our entire bodies can be put into a wingspan. By clearly stating the words “whole body”, the author makes it known that the effort you put in, will be the reward you get out. With a wingspan, in order to reach your maximum length, you must put in all your effort and your “whole body” to spread your arms out to their furthest extent, and the same goes for real life. If a person isn’t willing to put in maximum effort to push themselves to their greatest extent, desired results are unlikely; however, if you put your “whole body” and your whole heart into something, chances are, better results will come. Secondly, Bach uses wingspan to symbolize thought. The connection to thought shows that keeping limitations on our mind and body can lead us to become more hesitant in trying new adventures and overcoming new obstacles.
3. Wrap up sentence to bring the paragraph to a close and full circle to your thesis claim. The overall use of symbolism was effectively displayed by Bach to show the reader that our minds should never have limitations, and in order to achieve our goals in life we must “spread our wings” to their fullest extent and fly high.
CONCLUSION Make an overall profound summation of what you want the reader to most get from your paper. As an allegory, Jonathan Livingston Seagull provides a palpable story to apply interpretations as the readers sees fit. Within Sullivan’s dialogue, Bach provides the reader an important life lesson of learning, love, and life. Using depth to look past reincarnation allows readers to peer through the glass of perfection. The blueprints of a perfect person are mapped within our own development and strife to become flawless.