PRESENTATION OUTLINE Background Methodology Purpose of study Modes of Information service Network and Networking facilities Consortia Conclusions Suggestion
Background: The role of libraries and librarians are changing rapidly due to increasing growth in literature in all fields. In addition to the worldwide changes are taking place due to application of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICT have made impact on the functioning of libraries.
Methodology The study includes both Primary and Secondary data. Primary data has been generated using questionnaire. Study based on : The questionnaire was sent to 89 libraries of engineering colleges of Rajasthan but only 50 (56%) libraries of engineering colleges responded. Thus, the study is based upon 50 institutions’ responses.
Purpose of study To examine the types /methods of providing information services in the libraries of engineering colleges of Rajasthan. To know the availability of resources and infrastructure for rendering modes of information services to clienteles.
Modes of Information Service In order to achieve the purpose of the engineering college libraries various modes of information services are rendered in engineering libraries. The data generated through survey is analyzed below, so as to know the position of the modes of information services offered by the engineering college libraries.
Statistical analysis of information services Modes of Information Services Engineering Colleges (No.) % Bibliography Service 19 38 Reprography Service 39 78 Current Awareness Service 22 44 SDI Service 16 32 Indexing & Abstracting Service 12 24 Inter Library Loan 48 Translation Service 08 News Paper clippings 42 84 Audio-Visual Service 14 28 Document Delivery Service 13 26 Internet 49 98 E-journal/books 88 CD-ROM 46 92 E-Mail Source: Based on Survey; 2013-14
Network and Networking Facilities A collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to communicate and share resources. Engineering college libraries have the network facilities and are connected with the networks for information organization and management, and users’ services. For the purpose, responding engineering college libraries provided the data in the questionnaire.
Statistical Analysis of Network & Networking Facilities S. No. Network No. of Institutes % 1. Internet 50 100 2. INFLIBNET 05 10 3. MILNET - 4. SIRNET 5. ERNET 01 02 6. ADINET 04 7. BONET 8. DELNET 35 70 9. MALIBNET 10. Other 06 12 Source: Based on Survey; 2013-14
Consortia A library consortium is a group of two or more libraries that have agreed to cooperate with each in order to fulfill certain similar needs , usually resource sharing. Information/data provided by respondent engineering college libraries have been analyzed and manipulated. Source: Based on Survey; 2013-14
Analysis of Status of Consortia S. No. E-Resource Consortia Institute (No.) % 1. INDEST 09 18 2. UGCINFONET 02 04 3. IUCDAEF - 4. HELINET 5. FORSA 6. CSIR 08 7. J GATE/JCCINDEST 12 24 8. GSDL 01 9. DSPACE 10. INFLIBNET 11. Other Source: Based on Survey; 2013-14
Conclusion Information Service and resources undoubtedly have established its presence and position in engineering college libraries. To keep the line of communication and contact open between users and resources, it is necessary to organize the information service in a very effective manner. Libraries require a change in the way of rendering information and networks services.
Suggestions It is the need of the hour that libraries of engineering colleges should be equipped with all necessary information and communication technologies tools. Librarian should come forward to connect with library network and consortia with the support of college authorities.