Mouse polyclonal antibody recognition of alphavirus microarray proteins. Mouse polyclonal antibody recognition of alphavirus microarray proteins. Mouse polyclonal antibodies raised against whole alphaviruses of the Semliki Forest complex (A: CHIKV, MAYV, ONNV, and RRV, top to bottom) or equine encephalitis viruses (B: VEEV, EEEV, and WEEV, top to bottom). The mouse polyclonal antibody used is indicated in the upper left corner of each graph. The ratio of the antigen signal to the cutoff value was determined for each replicate spot. Cutoff values were determined as the mean signal of the control proteins plus 3 standard deviations. The average ratio for replicate antigen spots was determined, and ratios >1 are shown, with error bars representing the standard deviation. Vertical lines separate antigens into C, E1, and E2 groups. Jessica L. Smith et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00003-18