Make the Goal with Effective Meetings
Parliamentary Procedure Why use Parli Pro? Keeps the meeting orderly Protects the right of the minority Carries out the will of the majority
How to use basic parli pro After receiving recognition from the chair say “Mister/Madam Chairman, I move to…” You will receive recognition again to debate the topic
Motions Motion- proposal for action by the group Four Classes Main (to do something) Subsidiary (to modify a main motion) Privileged (unrelated to main but very important) Motions that bring a question again before the assembly
Meeting Place Place affects Productivity Room Set Up changes member involvement in the meeting Adjust the meeting setting to the type of meeting that is to be held
Agenda Clarifies the purpose of meeting Raises awareness of what needs to be accomplished Allows for shorter meetings
Opening Ceremonies What is the Point? Emphasizes the purpose of meetings The duties of officers Displays your chapter Instills pride and dignity Reflects leadership
Minutes confirm any decisions made record who has been given any tasks or responsibilities provide details of the meeting to anyone unable to attend serve as a record of the meeting's procedure and outcome
What to include in the Minutes Name & type of meeting Date, Place, & Time the meeting began and ended Names of the Chair & Secretary Names of Voting members in attendance Names of Guests & subject matter Whether previous meeting minutes were approved or corrected Motions Made Reports Other Actions (assignments or deadlines) Secretary’s signature
You can now achieve more effective chapter meetings!