IOSH Accredited Behavioural Change Leadership Programme To enable delegates to understand safety culture and how it can be improved & sustained in conjunction with other company systems and procedures To fully appreciate how behaviours are prompted by activators, reinforced by consequences and the need to develop good safe habits To have a clear understanding of how behaviours and the nature of human error contribute to poor performance To develop an understanding of established principles of behavioural science in order to help you influence critical behaviours in the workplace To understand the tools and techniques required to create a culture that represents a want-to rather than a have-to approach to managing risk
ABC Analysis We need to properly ABC Analyse the specific “Wrong” behaviours and see just how the A’s and C’s line up. Including how we “check, properly check it” if at all. Once we’ve established that, we can then Re-Design the A’s and then Re-Align the C’s to create a new “Good” behaviour We didn’t properly pursue this. I assumed that we would have time to go through this process with Carl and Steve right at the end. We would have identified many more key points for the 5 specific concerns of the drivers.
MISTAKES Rule based – poor communication Knowledge based – lack of training
Slips & Lapses of Concentration Too tired Distractions Pressures of work
Violations Wilfully doing the wrong thing even though they know The right thing to do
Disaster occurs when all holes are aligned at the same time
Let’s all make sure that as many holes as possible are filled in
BEHAVIOUR Deletions Distortions Generalisations VALUES Attitudes All External Experiences See Hear Deletions Distortions Feel Generalisations Smell Taste VALUES Attitudes BELIEFS BEHAVIOUR
Goal Setting Outcome Goals Performance Goals Process Goals Time “The Dream!” Way in the future Not specific In the near future Weeks or months In the moment What can be done right now A daily habit Becomes the norm Focus Focus is on the achievement or objective “to be the best” Just a stepping stone A checkpoint Must support or underpin our Outcome Goal The here and NOW What you or your people can do every day Becomes a habit or a ritual Control Little or no actual control Many other factors Wide parameters More control over this Could be a SMART target Total control over this Nothing can get in the way of this Initially a Conscious choice that then becomes Sub-conscious activity Goal Setting
ABC Analysis We didn’t properly pursue this. I assumed that we would have time to go through this process with Carl and Steve right at the end. We would have identified many more key points for the 5 specific concerns of the drivers.
Start with the Why! We believe that our drivers should be able to carry out their daily tasks without putting themselves or others at risk so that they can go home safely to their loved ones and enjoy their lives in whatever way they choose. We started with the Why? Not What we were going to do or even How we might do it, we started with the WHY! That’s very important as it engages peoples emotions and opens them up right from the outset. We introduced ourselves and then we told then why we were there. Because we believe in looking at driver risk differently, it’s not ALL about speeding violations, there may be other risks out there that we need to focus on and we need their help in identifying what they might be and then helping us to find solutions to them in order to make their lives on the road safer so that they can return home to enjoy their daily personal lives in whichever way they choose.
Training – The 10-20-70 Rule 10% Course 20% Any Context (within 1st week) 70% Engagement
Signs and Rules 40 Wet Paint What is the difference? How do you behave with each? Wet Paint Do Not Touch What would you do?
Influence Over Behaviour What influences what we do Where we put out attention or effort A B C A B C 20% 80% 80% 20%
Task List two antecedents that would trigger these behaviours Someone runs in front of your car Junction ahead Apply foot brake in car 1. 2. Following an accident Issues identified from Risk Assessment Workplace changes to improve safety 1. 2. Workload Request from Senior Manager Late working 1. 2. Heard a noise above you Objects falling from above Looking upwards
Task List two consequences for engaging in the following behaviours Pos/Neg Apply foot brake in car 1. 2. Car stops Car skids or slows down P N Workplace changes to improve safety 1. 2. Safer workplace Costs / downtime P N Late working 1. 2. Extra pay Miss child's bedtime P N Looking upwards 1. 2. Improved view Dust in eye P N
Activators, Behaviour or Consequence? Item A? B? C? When you see the police car, you press the brake pedal. Pressing the brake pedal for you is….? You are shouted at for not wearing your PPE on site. Being shouted at for you is…? Your supervisor shows you where the materials are for you to do your job, The materials for you are…? When ever you enter a dusty area you put on a dusk mask. Putting on a dusk mask for you is…? You get a speeding ticket. Now you drive within the speed limit. The ticket for you is a…? The temperature gauge in the dashboard of your car indicates that the temperature is high. The temperature gauge for you is…? You try and answer the telephone within 3 rings. Answering the telephone within 3 rings for you is..? You have just completed your job training. Job training for doing your job is…? Your job is to fix machines. A broken machine at work for you is…? When you see the police car, you press the brake pedal. Pressing the brake pedal for you is….? You are shouted at for not wearing your PPE on site. Being shouted at for you is…? Your supervisor shows you where the materials are for you to do your job, The materials for you are…? When ever you enter a dusty area you put on a dusk mask. Putting on a dusk mask for you is…? You get a speeding ticket. Now you drive within the speed limit. The ticket is..? You have just completed your job training. Job training for doing your job is…? Your job is to fix machines. A broken machine at work for you is…?
Consequences and Effect What consequences if we don’t meet MD targets or & any other objectives Positive VALUE Negative Immediate IMMEDIACY IMMEDIACY Future Certain PROBABILITY PROBABILITY Uncertain What is the most powerful combination?
Powerful Consequences Most powerful consequences - Positive, Immediate, Certain (PIC) - Negative, Immediate, Certain (NIC) Moderately powerful - Positive, Future, Certain (PFC) - Negative, Future, Certain (NFC) - Positive, Immediate, Uncertain (PIU) - Negative, Immediate, Uncertain (NIU) Least powerful - Positive, Future, Uncertain (PFU) - Negative, Future, Uncertain (NFU)
Example of Possible Consequences of Wearing Eye Protection Positive consequences Value Immediacy Probability Avoid eye damage Positive Future Uncertain Praise from manager Positive Future Uncertain Negative consequences Value Immediacy Probability Uncomfortable Negative Immediate Certain Eye protection steams up Negative Immediate Certain
Example of Possible Consequences of Not Wearing Eye Protection Positive consequences Value Immediacy Probability Being comfortable Positive Immediate Certain Improved ability to see Positive Immediate Certain Negative consequences Value Immediacy Probability Damage to eyesight Negative Future Uncertain