Outline of the EY SEND Partnership
The Early Years SEND Partnership programme DfE funded 18 month programme (Oct 18 – Mar 20) that is being run through a partnership of 5 organisations. Council for Disabled Children The Communication Trust I CAN nasen Contact
The EYSEND Partnership Working with 73 local areas in 5 regions: North West North East Yorkshire and The Humber West Midlands East Midlands Providing training, regional action learning sets, specialist support and resources to complement this support.
Increase access and inclusion for young children with SEND Programme aims Improve the quality of provision for children with SEND in early years settings Improve the take up of the early years offer by parents of children with SEND Support local areas to make improved provision for young children with SLCN Increase access and inclusion for young children with SEND
EYSEND Partnership – Regional/Local Support CDC delivering 15 Action Learning Sets (ALS) – 3 per region. Hold Local ALS (5 will receive specialist support) Discuss action plan with colleagues Start to implement Actions ALS1 Hold Local ALS (5 will receive specialist support. Discuss action plan with colleagues Continue to implement Actions ALS2 6 months Hold Local ALS (5 will receive specialist support) Rounding off and discussion about sustainability ALS3 6 months
EYSEND Specialist support to local ALSs Each of the partners is offering specialist support to one local area per region on different themes: CDC - The Local Offer TCT - Speech, Language and Communication Needs Pathway I CAN - Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Settings nasen - A whole setting approach to SEN and disability Contact - Working with Parents Support incorporated into the local ALS - local area convenes local ALS and agrees nature of support (how, when, what) Local areas can apply - providing reasons for interest, evidence of need and detail of commitment
EYSEND Partnership - Training CDC – Regional Action Learning Sets, 3 events per region over 18 months TCT – 1 day training & follow on e-learning qualification: SLCN Local Action Leads I CAN - 1 day training (with nasen): supporting children with SEND in PVI settings 1 full day of more in-depth SLCN training: Planning for and supporting SLCN in settings nasen - 1 day training (with I CAN): supporting children with SEND in PVI settings 1 day training: whole setting SEND Reviewers Contact - 4 day training: EYSEND for Parents. 1 day training: Parents as Trainers 1 day training: Working with parents
EYSEND Partnership – All Training
EYSEND Partnership - Resources The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) – EY SEND Self Review Tool and action plan. The Communication Trust (TCT) – Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Pathway guidance & resources I CAN - SLCN in early years settings materials & resources nasen - Early Years whole settings SEND Guide
EYSEND Partnership – All Activities
XXXXXXXX 3xRegional ALSs in each of 5 regions: Self-review and action plan Launch event Jan 2019 Local ALSs: implement local strategy Additional support commissioned by Local ALSs Local ALS 1 (non-specialist) Local ALS 2 (non-specialist) Local ALS 3 (non-specialist) 3xLocal ALSs: local offer (1 per region) 3xLocal ALSs: SLCN pathway (1 per region) 3xLocal ALSs: SLCN in settings (1 per region) 3xLocal ALSs: WSS review (1 per region) 3xLocal ALSs: working w parents (1 per region) Level 3 training for 30 SLCN Local Area Leads Settings managers x 256: SLCN Day 2 Settings managers x 320: Training as WSS reviewers Training for 100 practitioners in working with parents: (LAP-C) Local area 1-day training Develop training for practitioners working with parents (LAP-C) XXXXXXXX Settings managers x 672: 1-day Core training: SLCN Whole Setting SEND (WSS) Parent Programme (PP-A): Training for 336 parents Training 12 parents as trainers: PCT-B Additional resources to support settings: SEND Gateway linked to: Talking Point, CDC, Contact, IASSN Additional resource for parents: Contact helpline, IASS
Website and Newsletter Sign up for the Early Years SEND Partnership newsletter here: https://bit.ly/2CHnqUa
CDC – Contact and Info EYSEND Website - https://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/early-years-send-partnership EYSEND Partnership email - EYSend@ncb.org.uk