DO NOW… List three things that stress you out. For each, briefly explain why that thing stresses you.
Chapter 14 Stress
Stress and Health Stress – the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging
Stress and Health Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology Looks at influences of emotions and personality on our health
2. Pituitary hormone in the bloodstream stimulates the outer part of the adrenal gland to release the stress hormone cortisol 1. Sympathetic nervous system releases the stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine from nerve endings in the inner part of the adrenal glands Thalamus Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Adrenal glands Cerebral cortex (perceives stressor) Walter Cannon – 2 Stress Pathways
What is Stress? General Adaptation Syndrome Stress resistance Phase 1 Alarm reaction (mobilize resources) Phase 2 Resistance (cope with stressor) Phase 3 Exhaustion (reserves depleted) The body’s resistance to stress can only Last so long before exhaustion sets in Stressor occurs General Adaptation Syndrome Selye’s concept of the body’s adaptive response to stress as composed of three stages
Stress and Health Stressful Life Events Eustress – “good stress” Distress Stressful Life Events Catastrophic Events earthquakes, combat stress, floods Life Changes death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, promotion Daily Hassles rush hour traffic, long lines, job stress, burnout
What is Stress? Stressors Intervening factors Stress reactions Catastrophes Life changes Hassles Intervening factors Appraisal Perceived control Personality Social support Coping behaviors Stress reactions Physiological Emotional Behavioral
Stress and Control Health consequences of a loss of control (Weiss) No connection to shock source To shock control To shock source “Executive” rat “Subordinate” rat Control rat
Stress and Control Learned Helplessness (Seligman) Uncontrollable bad events Perceived lack of control Generalized helpless behavior
Check for Understanding Differentiate between eustress and distress. Include both a definition and an example of each.
RAFT Assignment Role of the Writer: Psychology Expert Audience: Other teens Format: Informational Pamphlet Topics: What is stress? What are the causes of stress? How can stress affect your health? How can you manage your stress?
DO NOW… Are you personality Type A or Type B? Why? ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status- conscious, sensitive, impatient, take on more than they can handle, want other people to get to the point, anxious, proactive, and concerned with time management. Type B typically work steadily, and may enjoy achievement When faced with competition, they may focus less on winning or losing attracted to careers of creativity: writer, counselor, therapist, actor or actress
Stress & Coronary Heart Disease Type A Friedman and Rosenman’s term for people who are competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, anger-prone Type B Friedman and Rosenman’s term for easygoing, relaxed people
Health Considerations of Stress Coronary Heart Disease clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle one of the leading causes of death in the United States
Life-style modification patients Promoting Health Modifying Type A life-style can reduce recurrence of heart attacks Percentage of patients with recurrent heart attacks (cumulative average) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Life-style modification patients Control patients Modifying life-style reduced recurrent
Stress Appraisal Appraisal Response Stressful event (tough math test) Threat (“Yikes! This is beyond me!”) Challenge (“I’ve got to apply all I know”) Panic, freeze up Aroused, focused Appraisal Response
Stress and Disease Psychophysiological Illness “mind-body” illness any stress-related physical illness some forms of hypertension some headaches distinct from hypochondriasis – misinterpreting normal physical sensations as symptoms of a disease
Stress and Health Leading causes of death in the US in 1900 and 1991 Percentage U.S.deaths 30 20 10 Tuber- culosis Pneu- monia Diarrhea/ enteritis Heart disease 1900 Cancer Strokes Chronic lung disease 1991 Unlike many leading killers a century ago, today’s major killers are more lifestyle-related
Stress and Disease Conditioning of immune suppression (Ader & Cohen) UCS (drug) UCR (immune suppression) CS (sweetened water) CR Conditioning of immune suppression (Ader & Cohen)
Stress and Disease Lymphocytes two types of white blood cells that are part of the body’s immune system B lymphocytes form in the bone marrow and release antibodies that fight bacterial infections T lymphocytes form in the thymus and, among other duties, attack cancer cells, viruses and foreign substances
Stress and Health
Note cards Please clear everything off your desk EXCEPT your note cards
DO NOW… Name one intermediary factor in the stressor-stress response relationship.
Stress and Disease Stress and AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) Stress and cancer Stress and negative emotions such as depression have been linked to cancer Attitudes of survival are important Elizabeth Kubler Ross
poor nutrition and sleep) Stress and Disease Negative emotions and health-related consequences Unhealthy behaviors (smoking, drinking, poor nutrition and sleep) Persistent stessors and negative emotions Release of stress hormones Heart disease Immune suppression Autonomic nervous system effects (headaches, hypertension)
Promoting Health Aerobic Exercise Depression score 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Before treatment evaluation After treatment No-treatment group Aerobic exercise Relaxation treatment Aerobic Exercise sustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness may also alleviate depression and anxiety
Promoting Health Biofeedback system for electronically recording, amplifying, and feeding back information regarding a subtle physiological state blood pressure muscle tension
Promoting Health Complementary and Alternative Medicine unproven health care treatments not taught widely in medical schools, not used in hospitals, and not usually reimbursed by insurance companies
Social Support Matters Studies have shown that married people tend to live longer, healthier lives than unmarried people Why? Social support Partners encourage healthier habits Connected people sleep better Bolster our self-esteem Help us overcome stressful events
Promoting Health The religion factor is mulitidimensional Religious involvement Healthy behaviors (less smoking, drinking) Social support (faith communities, marriage) Positive emotions (less stress, anxiety) Better health (less immune system suppression, stress hormones, and suicide)
Promoting Health Health costs are soaring… alternatives are needed Corporate fitness centers Stress management groups Intercompany sports events
Smoking Nature vs. Nurture Nicotine Heritability factor? Higher addiction rate than heroine and cocaine Form a dependency/tolerance/withdrawal Heritability factor? Skinner - reinforcement Social-Cognitive perspective Influences (friends, parents, siblings)
Nutrition Nature Nurture Serotonin – carbs/mood link Obesity and diabetes 1 in 3 Americans are overweight About 26 million have been diagnosed with diabetes Nurture Media and cultural influences Dangers of diets
Weight Discrimination Willingness to hire scale (from1: definitely not hire to 7: definitely hire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Women Men Normal Overweight When women applicants were made to look overweight, subjects were less willing to hire
Weight Control Weight change in pounds Years of follow-up -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 1 2 3 4 Weight change in pounds Post treatment Years of follow-up Starting point Normal trend for untreated obese people: Gradually rising weight After participation in behavioral Program: Much of initial weight Loss regained Most lost weight is regained
DO NOW… What are some healthy techniques for reducing stress?
DO NOW… What is stress appraisal? How does it impact the stress we experience?