Methodology for Architectural Level Reliability Risk Analysis Lalitha Krothapalli CSC 532
Risk Risk is a combination of two factors. Probability of malfunctioning( failure) Consequence of malfunctioning (severity)
Uses of Risk Assessment Finding out the complex modules. Finding out the potentially troublesome modules. Calculates the effort for testing.
Types of Risks Availability Risk. Acceptance Risk. Performance Risk. Cost Risk. Schedule Risk Reliability Risk.
Components: Like objects, classes or procedures. Architectural level System is divided in to two parts Components: Like objects, classes or procedures. Connectors: Procedural calls , Client- server protocols
Advantage of Architectural Risk Analysis Early detection and correction of errors Cost will be less. Design and coding are also depend on the complexity of the architecture.
Advantages of simulating the Architecture Model Obtain dynamic behavior of components and connectors using dynamic metrics. Study the consequences of failure and severity of that failure.
Background The proposed methodology is based on the previous work of Dynamic Metrics Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Software Architecture
Dynamic Metrics Used to find out the complexity of each component Executive components have lot of state changes Measures the impact on the maintainability, reusability and error proneness Connector complexity can be calculated by using dynamic coupling metrics
Component Dependency Graphs Used to find out the reliability analysis at the architectural level. Represents components, connectors and component, connector reliabilities Can be used to calculate the execution time of the components and the interaction between the components
Risk Assessment Methodology Usage of architectural description language for modeling system architecture. Calculate complexity analysis using simulation of the architecture. Obtain severity analysis using FEMA and simulation runs. Developing heuristic risk factors for components and connectors. Preparing CDGs for calculating risk assessment.
Architectural Modeling Interaction between the components Behavior of individual components Real time object oriented model can be used to simulate the architecture
Complexity Analysis Component Complexity Connector complexity
Severity analysis Identifying failure modes. - failures modes of Individual components. - failure modes of individual connectors. Conducting Effect Analysis. Ranking severity. Catastrophic Critical Marginal Minor.
Develop Reliability Risk Factors for Architecture Elements Heuristic Factor for a component Heuristic factor for a connector.
Developing Component Dependency Graphs Calculate the execution time of each scenario. Calculate the execution time of each component Calculate the transition probability from one component to other for each and every scenario. Predict the complexity factor and severity of the index of the each component.
Reliability Risk Analysis Algorithm The risk factor of a system can be obtained from aggregating the risk factors of all components and connectors Breadth of a graph - All risk factors Depth of a graph - Sequential execution
Conclusion Applicable to architecture level so the errors can identified and detected at the early stages of life cycle. Based on dynamic metrics . Automatable.
References 1. Volume: 28, Issue: 6, Year: Jun 2002 A methodology for architecture-level reliability risk analysis Yacoub, S.M.; Ammar, H.H. Page(s): 529-547 2. 1 Architectural-level risk analysis using UML Goseva-Popstojanova, K.; Hassan, A.; Guedem, A.; Abdelmoez, W.; Nassar, D.E.M.; Ammar, H.; Mili, A.; Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 29 , Issue: 10 , Oct. 2003 Pages:946 – 960 3. 7 Risk analysis-a subjective process Redmill, F.; Engineering Management Journal , Volume: 12 , Issue: 2 , April 2002 Pages:91 – 96