Jesus choose His Disciples. Vs Jesus’ choice came from prayer


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus choose His Disciples. Vs. 12-16 Jesus’ choice came from prayer Jesus choose His Disciples. Vs. 12-16 Jesus’ choice came from prayer. Vs. 12 We look at disciples and ask, why? John 15:16

Jesus’ sermon of contrasts. Vs. 17-19 The poor and rich in spirit. Vs Jesus’ sermon of contrasts. Vs. 17-19 The poor and rich in spirit. Vs. 20b, 24 Luke 18:18-25 What do you hunger for? Vs. 21, 25 Are you weeping and laughing for the right thing? Vs 21b, 25b Rev. 7:17 Are you looking for approval from God or man? VS. 22, 26 James 1:2