Chapter 1 lesson 1
Science A way of learning about the natural world. Scientists use skills such as observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, evaluating, and making models to study the world.
Observing Using one or more of your senses to gather information. Qualitative observation: an observation that deals wit descriptions that cannot be expressed in numbers. (color, description, smell, etc.) Quantitative observation: an observation that deals with a number or amount. (height, length, number, weight, etc)
Inferring When you explain or interpret the things you observe. Not guessing Based on reasoning from what you know or have observed. Can be based on assumptions you make about your observations Can be incorrect
Inferring cont.
Predicting Making a statement or a claim about what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence. Do not study for a test
Classifying Is grouping together items that are alike in some way. A way that scientists can organize their observations to smaller or easily distinguishable categories.
Mountain Lion taxonomy
Evaluating Comparing observations and data to reach a conclusion about them.
Making Models Involve creating representations of complex objects or processes Are made to help study natural events, objects, and processes Help visualize concepts. Maps, mathematical equations, smaller scale replicas of larger objects, larger replicas of small objects, flow charts, diagrams, etc
Variables Factors that can change in an experiment Independent variables: a factor that is changed to test a hypothesis ( different fertilizers affect on plant growth). Presumed cause. Dependent variables: changes in response to the independent variable (height of plant). Presumed effect.