Ms Hovious’ 1st Grade Week of: March 18, 2019 Spring Pictures- March 21st Early dismissal at 2:20 - March 22nd Spring Break - March 25th - March 31st return April 1st This week will be working with identifying and sorting solid figures. Students will need to identify the face, edge and vertex along with identifying a flat surface and a curved surface. Please practice finding real objects around your home and practice identifying. This week in reading we will read The Lady in the Moon and work on long i: ie, igh and kn /n/ and wr /r/. We will work on identifying if a story is realism and fantasy and monitor and fix up. This week we continue our unit on maps. Students will learn cardinal direction, read maps, map symbols and create their own map of our classroom. This week we are going to be going back into books previously written to add detail. We will also work on adding periods and capitals to our sentences. Spelling Words lie, tie, high, might, right, night, bright, light, pie, tight Sight Words above, eight, laugh, moon, touch