The American Immigration Council: AILA’s Non-Profit Partner
Immigration Council 101 Our history Started more than 28 years ago by AILA leaders Enhance the POWER and REACH of immigration bar Pursue work important to the AILA community Bringing new resources and new partnerships to our efforts As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Council can attract charitable donations and foundation support
Immigration Council 101 Programmatic work Legal Advocacy, Litigation and Resources Research and Policy Analysis Cultural Exchange—J-1 Sponsor Honoring and Celebrating Immigrants
Practice Advisories by Topic
Litigation Pages
Topic Pages Highlight Breadth of Work
Daily Blog:
Immigration Council 101 our staff 24 staff members (plus consultants in Dilley, TX) Three main programmatic departments: legal, research and policy, exchange Communications Fundraising and Development Executive
Immigration Council 101 Our boards Board of Directors: manages business and legal affairs Approves budget, enters into contracts, approves litigation in Council’s name Seven members, comprised of President, Secretary, Treasurer, BOT Chair, and AILA leadership Board of Trustees: manages the programmatic affairs Sets goals, operating policies, supports fundraising, meets quarterly to provide programmatic guidance, committees and taskforces Up to 24 members (plus chair/vice chair), three year terms (can serve two terms)
Partnership with AILA Programmatic work Examples: CARA Family Detention Business litigation fellow Litigation trainings and meetings Litigation (FOIA suits, individual business cases, amicus) Fifth Grade Creative Writing Contest
Partnership with AILA We need your help to succeed and we can help your members succeed Promote our work—our resources help your practices and help your clients Use our policy resources in your advocacy Help identify cases and plaintiffs Invite us to your chapter meetings and conferences Support us financially—and encourage your members to do the same
Partnership with AILA Ambassador program Chapter representative Appointments Expectations—monthly call with Council staff, messenger to chapter members, sharing our resources, and more…
Partnership with AILA What else can we do together? Share your ideas!