QUESTION Does sunlight or water affect the height of a plant or its growth in general? Would a plant grow if it received no water or sunlight?
PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the role of sunlight and water on a plant’s growth.
HYPOTHESIS: The amount of sunlight and water a plant receives affects its height. The more sunlight and water a plant receives, the taller the plant will be.
VARIABLE AND CONTROL Independent Variable: The amount of water given the plants and the amount of time the plants receive sunlight. Dependent Variable: The height of the plants. Control: No sunlight or water given to the plant.
BACKGROUND RESEARCH (1st Reference) Plants respond to all light, but sunlight affects plant growth in ways that artificial light does not. Grow lamps attempt to duplicate the sun's brilliant rays, but they fall short on several levels. Plants need light for survival, and sunlight provides the full spectrum of light, along with cues on when and how to use it. Every aspect of plant growth eventually boils down to the life-giving energy available through sun.
BACKGROUND RESEARCH (2nd Reference) Sunlight fuels plant growth through a process called photosynthesis, which converts light into food in plants. The ability of leaves to capture that energy source affects a plant's growth rate as well the ways different plant parts grow. Leaves on a single plant grow and change in response to different light levels they receive. To maximize photosynthesis and light- absorbing chlorophyll, leaves change in size, thickness, structure and position. In the spectrum of colors sunlight holds, green light waves affect plant growth least. Chlorophyll reflects most green light, making plant leaves appear green.
BACKGROUND RESEARCH (3rd Reference). Sunlight influences stages of plant growth through the duration of light delivered each day. Light duration impacts germination and whether plants put on leafy, green growth or set flower buds. Blooming plants often need a set length of daily light exposure, known as photoperiod, to bloom. Long-day plants bloom when sunlight exceeds their set point. Short-day plants blossom when light duration drops below their set photoperiod. Greenhouse growers often manipulate light duration and color to stimulate flowering in blooming plants. Blue light waves enhance vegetative growth. Blue and red light combine to encourage flowering.
BACKGROUND RESEARCH Sunlight affects the direction and orientation of plant growth in short- and long-term ways. Some plants, such as annual sunflowers respond specifically to sunlight. Known as heliotropic plants, they follow the sun's daily cycle from east to west. All plants are phototropic, meaning they respond to all forms of light. Stems respond by growing toward light. Roots grow in the opposite direction. When light shines from one side only, growth hormones work to help capture more light for photosynthesis. Called auxins, the hormones move to stimulate cells on the shaded side to grow longer. Elongated cells cause the plant to bend and grow toward the light.
PROCEDURE For this experiment, 4 plants were utilized. Plant 1: 10 ml of water daily + 1 hr of sunlight Plant 2: 20 ml of water daily + 2 hrs of sunlight Plant 3: 30 ml of water daily +3 hrs of sunlight Control: No sunlight, and no water.
ANALYSIS OF DATA The more sunlight and water the plants received, the taller they grew. This is a positive correlation or relationship, because height increases as the amount of water and sunlight the plant receives increases. With the control, it didn't grow, instead, it withered because it received no water or sunlight.
CONCLUSION Upon completion of this experiment, we fail to reject the hypothesis. Therefore, it can be said that the more sunlight and water a plant received, the taller it is likely to be.
REFERENCE “How Sunlight Affects a Plants Growth.”,
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PERCENTAGES: 1. Question and Hypothesis: 5% 2. Science Project Proposal Form: 5% 3. PowerPoint with Background Research, Procedure, Video, Data tables and graphs, Analysis, and conclusion: 45% 4. The other 45% will be based on the judging from the parents, other middle school teachers, and the Science teachers of course.
DUE DATES: Science Project Proposal Form: Due on December 20th, 2017 EXPERIMENT VIDEO DUE ON: December 25th Counted as a Quiz Grade for the TMP. PROJECT POWERPOINT DUE ON: (January 3rd)--- Counted as an Exam Grade for the TMP.
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