Global differences in national policy emphasis on children’s mental health compared with that nation’s minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). Global differences in national policy emphasis on children’s mental health compared with that nation’s minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). MACR is presented according to different age brackets (ages 0–9; 10–13; 14–17 years) and compared with that country’s policy status according to children’s mental health needs. Those countries with more consideration for the specific needs of younger populations were categorised as Group A countries and depending on relevant factors other countries were grouped from B to D with those in Group D having the least specific consideration of child and adolescent mental health needs in their national mental health policies. Mona Noroozi et al. Evid Based Mental Health 2018;21:82-86 Copyright © by the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, Royal College of Psychiatrists & British Psychological Society. All rights reserved.