US History-Westward Expansion US History Unit 7
American Progress – Manifest Destiny What does manifest destiny bring?
Understanding Manifest Destiny "(It is) ..our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and self- government“ -John O'Sullivan Editor of 'The Morning Post'
What is “Manifest Destiny?” Belief that the US should expand its territory from coast to coast Political Roots – expansionist president James K. Polk (1845-1849) encouraged rapid expansion westward and ran on that platform
US Territorial Expansion When? A - 13 Original Colonies 1776 From Where? Great Britain Why? US declared independence from Great Britain A
US Territorial Expansion When? B - Western Lands 1783 From Where? Great Britain Why? Part of results of Treaty of Paris (ended Revolutionary War) A B
US Territorial Expansion When? 1803 C - Louisiana Purchase From Where? France Why? Napoleon needed $ Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans He got all of this instead for $15 million. A C B
US Territorial Expansion When? 1819 D – Florida cession Cede: to give up From Where? Spain Why? Andrew Jackson was ordered to invade due to Indian raids on Georgia. “Govern or get out” Spain then gave up Florida. US paid $5 million claims to Spain. A C B D
US Territorial Expansion When? E – Texas annexation Annex: to incorporate into the domain of the land 1845 (Polk) From Where? Republic of Texas (Independent Country) Why? Texas independent from Mexico in 1836 US feared war with Mexico Northerners feared it would become a slave state Fears finally overcome in 1844 Presidential election. James Polk believed in Manifest Destiny A C B E D
US Territorial Expansion When? F - Oregon Territory 1846 (Polk) From Where? Great Britain Why? Claimed by four countries (G. Britain, Russia, Spain, & US) Americans demanded “54° 40’ or fight!” Britain compromised 49° parallel & US accepted F A C B E D
The Oregon Dispute: 54’ 40º or Fight! By the mid-1840s, “Oregon Fever” was spurred on by the promise of free land. The joint British-U. S. occupation ended in 1846.
US Territorial Expansion When? 1848 (Polk) G - Mexican Cession From Where? Mexico Why? Polk offers to buy G from Mexico & they refuse War over the border US wins by pushing Mexican forces back to Mexico City. In Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, US offers $15 million for G F A C B G E D
Causes of the Mexican American War Dispute over the Texas boundary Texas & then America claimed the southern border was along the Rio Grande Mexico claimed the northern border was the Nueces river Polk sent troupes to the disputed territory and both armies clashed. Each side blamed the other for casing the conflict. Need for a west coast port (the California coast line)
The Mexican War (1846-1848)
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 Effects of the Mexican American War Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 Mexico gave up claims to Texas above the Rio Grande River. Mexico gave the U. S.: California and New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona U. S. gave Mexico $15,000,000 and agreed to pay the claims of American citizens against Mexico (over $3,500,000).
The Mexican Cession
Trails Westward
California Gold Rush, 1849 49er’s
Major Results of Manifest Destiny Americans Move West Mormon Trail- A religious group that was persecuted in the east, moved west to Utah for religious freedom. Oregon Trail- Poor Yomen farmer & immigrants began to move west instead of becoming factory workers. Free land was available for those who made it to California & Oregon. California Gold Rush Gold was discovered in various locations in the west. This increased immigration to the west & improved the American economy. Conflicts with Native Americans Conflicts between new Anglo settlers and Native Americans increased. This eventually led to open warfare & the creation of Reservations in the late nineteenth centuries.
US Territorial Expansion When? 1853 H – Gadsden Purchase From Where? Mexico Why? James Gadsden arranged for the purchase for $10 million Provided a flat route south of the Rocky Mountains Good for railroads and safe passage Sea to shining Sea is complete F A C B G D E H