The Black Death
What is the Black Death? Called the Bubonic Plague Spread quickly from 1348-1350 Climate change led to little food and cold weather People were poor & hungry
Results of the Plague 1/3 of the people living in Europe died By 1350, 2.5 million people in England were dead
Where in the World did it come from?
Causes of the Plague Disease carried by rats Fleas would suck blood from the rats Fleas carried the infected blood & would bite other animals or people This passed the disease to more animals & people
Reaction to the Plague People didn’t know why people were getting sick People didn’t know how to cure the disease Most people believed they were being punished by God for their sins
People became obsessed with death
What it looks like today!
Cures Europeans didn’t know about germs or disease At first, they thought people were poisoned Sometimes, the boils would pop and people would survive Healers started popping the boils to remove the “poison”
Effects of the Plague Hurts trade: people didn’t want other people coming in from other places for fear they would bring disease Ends feudalism/manor system: there are less workers, which means peasants & serfs can ask to get paid more money Church loses influence: the church wasn’t able to stop the plague Persecution of Jews: Christians blamed Jews for bringing the plague