Expected Impact and Results Community-Led Infrastructure Finance Facility (CLIFF) Phase II India, Kenya, the Philippines Slum Upgrading Summary The Community-Led Infrastructure Finance Facility (CLIFF) is an innovative partnership that aims to reduce poverty by improving the lives of slum dwellers by increasing their access to resources to build better housing and services in their community. Established in 2002, CLIFF provides finance to organisations of the urban poor for housing and infrastructure projects. For CLIFF to have an impact on the immense challenges of urban poverty, partners will need to build on their successes and introduce the concept to a wider audience by implementation in more countries and a dedicated communication and dissemination activities. Objectives Activities CLIFF-2 will focus on communications and lesson learning to promote the CLIFF approach globally and within partner countries To provide at least 440,000 slum dwellers with sanitation and at least 28,500 people with secure sustainable housing To increase the levels of finance available to scale-up the provision of adequate and affordable housing and basic services for slum dwellers To develop management and organisational skills of the communities involved Establish, maintain and utilise revolving capital funds for housing and small scale infrastructure projects Assist with the development and promotion CLIFF-2 Communications Strategy Aid in the assessment and selection of new implementing partners Fundraising Ensure timely progress and financial reporting and Annual Report Production Production of Annual Business Plans Provide guarantees to help secure bank loans for CLIFF supported projects and non-CLIFF supported projects, where possible Submission Implementation Budget and Time Submitted by: Homeless International CA Sponsor: DFID, Sida, Norway Implemented by: Homeless International CA Monitor: Julian Baskin Request to CA: $ 31,500,000 Co-financing: $ 0 Total Budget: $ 31,500,000 DFID Non-core funds $25.5 million; and Sida Non-core funds %6.0 million Duration: 60 months Expected Impact and Results (i) CLIFF implementation expanded through establishment of new Implementing Partners (IPs) in current & additional participating countries; (ii) Capacity & reputation of existing & new IPs strengthened to access greater public, private & civil society sector resources; (iii) Mobilisation, leverage & blending of financial resources from the public & private sectors, as well as from community contributions, for the delivery of adequate & sustainable housing & basic services for slum dwellers; (iv) Changes to the policies and practices of relevant bodies in countries where CLIFF is being implemented relating to the delivery of adequate and sustainable housing and basic services for slum dwellers; and (v) Knowledge, learning and good practice emerging from CLIFF documented, disseminated and used to advocate.