Galapagos Islands Finches Betsy Sanford 7th Grade Life Science Lost Mountain Middle School
Vegetarian Tree Finch Diet: buds, leaves, flowers, fruit
Small Tree Finch Diet: insects
Medium Tree Finch Diet: insects, nectar, buds, leaves
Large Tree Finch Diet: adult insects, insect larva
Woodpecker Finch Diet: insects, uses tools (twigs) to spear insects
Mangrove Finch Diet: insects, grubs, spiders
Sharp-beaked Ground Finch Diet: leaves, flowers, cactus pulp, insects
Small Ground Finch Diet: seeds, insects, fruit
Medium Ground Finch Diet: small seeds, flowers, buds, leaves, insects
Large Ground Finch Diet: thick-shelled seeds
Common Cactus Finch Diet: flowers and seeds of the prickly pear cactus, other small seeds, insects
Large Cactus Finch Diet: the pulp, flowers, and fruit of the prickly pear cactus as well as insects that live on the cactus
Cocos Finch Diet: plants, insects
Green Warbler Finch Diet: small insects
Gray Warbler Finch Diet: arthropods (insects, arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods)
Citations The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – Neotropical Birds Nature Picture Library