Starting Semester 2 on the right foot Back to School! Starting Semester 2 on the right foot
First Day of school Reporting Venues First Day of school in Semester 2 is Tuesday (27th June). Students will assemble at parade square. Students are to be seated by 7.30 am. In case of inclement weather, students will assemble in: Auditorium (Sec 1 Student); Basketball Court (Sec 2 and 3 students); Hall (Sec 4/5 students)
First Day of school Attire Check An attire check will be conducted on the first day of school and throughout the first week. Students will be checked on the following: Hairstyle and colour; Tapered and short pants (upper sec students); Socks and shoes; Ear studs; Facial Hair for boys; Others – accessories, bag check for prohibited items, etc.
Attire Check 1. Hair style and colour Students are expected to return to school in Semester 2 with proper hair cut and hairstyle. Students with outlandish hairstyle and coloured hair will be sent out of school to rectify the issue. Students will report to school after they rectify the issue to resume lessons.
Unacceptable hairstyles for Boys Long Hair Fringe touching eye brow Fade Number Zero not allowed Undercut Hair on crown is much longer than sides Coloured hair is unacceptable Parting Razor/Hard line or designs not allowed
Attire Check 2. Tapered Pants Students should not taper or modify the pants such that it does not conform to the intended look of the uniform. Students with tapered pants or pants that are too short will need to unpick immediately using the grooming kit provided by Student Management Committee (StMC). Students with tapered pants that are beyond rectification will have their pants confiscated till the end of the semester. They will need to buy a new pair of pants from the bookstore. Students will report to class after they rectify the issue to resume lessons.
Unacceptable Tapered Pants for Boys Pants are made narrower at the bottom Altered Pants Pants above ankles are not allowed.
Attire Check 3. Socks and Shoes Students are expected to wear black shoes with minimal white trimmings with white socks. Students with non-white socks or socks with markings will purchase white socks from StMC. Students with shoes that are not acceptable will be sent out of school to rectify the issue. Students will report to school after they rectify the issue to resume lessons.
Unacceptable socks/shoes Socks with markings Socks with any type of marking/logo is not allowed Unacceptable shoes Not black with minimal white trimmings Unacceptable shoes Coloured markings/logos not allowed. Only white trimmings are allowed.
Attire Check 4. Ear studs Girls are allowed to wear only one pair of black, gold or silver pin-sized ear studs or transparent ear sticks . Students with multiple earrings/studs will surrender their items to StMC and students can retrieve them at the end of the semester. The same will apply for unacceptable earrings/studs/sticks.
ONLY transparent ear sticks for girls are allowed Guidelines on Ear studs for Girls Multiple Ear studs are not allowed Only one pair of studs are allowed for girls. (one on each ear) Fanciful designs not allowed Only pin-sized black, gold and silver studs are allowed. Ear-rings are not allowed Only Ear studs are allowed. Pin-sized ear studs only This ear stud is too large. ONLY transparent ear sticks for girls are allowed
Attire Check Boys are expected to be clean shaven at all times. 5. Facial Hair Boys are expected to be clean shaven at all times. Boys who are not clean shaven and with facial hair (moustache, beard, stubble or long side burns) will be told to shave immediately using the grooming kit provided by StMC.
Attire Check 6. Others – Accessories and bag check for prohibited items Students with accessories like bracelets, friendship bands, rings, chains, will be told to surrender them StMC. Students can retrieve them at the end of the semester.
Review on HP usage by students Curriculum Hours (including CCA/remedial/study time) Handphones CAN ONLY be used in the canteen. Students who have free periods may only use their handphones for learning purposes in the canteen. Students found using their handphones outside permitted time and venue will have their handphones confiscated until dismissal time. Students must retrieve the confiscated handphones from the General Office immediately after their dismissal.
Thank you! And let’s have a great Semester ahead!