Daily PPT 5/21 & 5/22 Mrs Bly Eng 4
FINAL EXAM TODAY The Final Exam is 100 questions Scantron: Name: first and last name Subject: 2nd Sem Final Date: 5/21/18 Test No: WRITE THE VERSION HERE (A, B, OR C) Period: 3
Return Literature Textbook to Library Please go to the library & return your textbook. If you have your Kite Runner novel, you may also return that today. IF YOU FORGOT EITHER BOOK TODAY IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN IT TO THE LIBRARY
SENIOR WEEK STARTS TODAY !!! TODAY: May 21= Senior Panoramic Picture @ 10 on football field TOMORROW: May 22= Cap & Gown distribution & “I Declare Day” at lunch in SEA KING PARK WEDNESDAY= NO LATE START!! THURSDAY= Disneyland Trip FRIDAY= ½ A-DAY No school on Monday= MEMORIAL DAY PLEASE remember to call in your EXCUSED absences.
JOURNALS ARE LATE TODAY Kite Journals #1-7 were due last week. Use the Table of Contents and fill our the STUDENT side If you missed the last class, you need to take VOCAB 3 QUIZ (you may use a notecard)
Homework 1. Senior Reflection is due by 6/1 (All Classes Review Day). Extra Credit if you turn it in early IT’S SENIOR WEEK!!! Monday= Panoramic Class Picture @ 10am on football field Tuesday= Cap & Gowns passed out; “I Declare Day” @ lunch Wednesday= No late start Thursday= Senior Ditch Day. Disneyland Trip. Friday= ½ A- day….Memorial Day Weekend!!!