What is VEI? Simulated business environment You interview for a position in the firm You create our product line & vision Actual on-the-job work experience Work in departments/monthly tasks Buy from & sell to other firms Tasks = real world relevance/careers Sales, Purchasing, Payroll, Marketing, etc. Apply concepts from other Business classes
What is VEI? Departmental responsibilities = teamwork Good decisions = PROFIT Local Travel Opportunities Leadership Conference – Flint, MI State Business Plan Competition – Northwood University Out of State Travel Opportunities Trade Shows: Booth, Competitions, Networking Midwest Trade Show – Pigeon Forge, TN Great Lakes Trade Show – Chicago, IL Youth Business Summit – New York, NY
Memo = Syllabus
Terminology Agenda Minutes a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting the instant written record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting and may include: a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues
Our Timeline First 6 weeks: Orientation & Training Determine firm, product line, slogan, logo Research competitors Write Business Plan Prepare job application and resume Interview for positions Begin creating your portfolio
Organizational Chart
Our Timeline Next 6 weeks: Business Plan/Trade Show Submit Business Plan to National Office Prepare for Oral Business Plan Competition Secure business sponsorship (virtual money) Begin fundraising (real money) Prep materials for the Trade Show Engage in departmental responsibilities Open website Personal Finance
Our Timeline Remaining 24 weeks Perform departmental work Buy & sell with other VEI firms Prepare for Trade Shows and Competitions Complete portfolios Evaluate our performance Goal: PROFIT! Recruit employees for next fiscal year
Grades? Evaluation? Attendance Department tasks Self-Assessments / Reflections Purchase reports Conduct at Meetings Monthly production / products Professional Development Workshops Portfolio Tests & Quizzes Quarterly Performance Evaluations
Questions? Comments?
Exit Slip: Metaphor Definition: A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance Something used, or regarded as being used, to represent something else; emblem; symbol. EXAMPLE: The assignment was a breeze
How will this class be different? What company decisions need to be made ASAP?
Welcome to the Firm!