Defining the Grid Fabrizio Gagliardi EMEA Director Technical Computing 4/29/2019 3:10 PM Defining the Grid Fabrizio Gagliardi EMEA Director Technical Computing Microsoft Corporation © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
‘Grids’: A Catch-All Term ‘Grids’ mean many different things to many different people/companies: P2P desktop cycle-stealing Linked Supercomputer Centers Managed virtual distributed clusters Internet access to giant, distributed repositories Virtualization of data center IT resources Out-sourcing to “utility compute centers” Sharing resources distributed among different administrative domains (Ian Foster) For Microsoft, Grids are about Data Management as much as Compute Cycles
A more personal definition Essential to the success of the Grid is the existence of a widely distributed community sharing common goals, prepared to share resources (including human resources and skills) to address and solve common problems which require computing capacity exceeding the limits of more conventional distributed systems (distributed clusters, remote access to SC centres, etc…) and all this in the most dynamic possible way… Particle physics is a good example which added to the above requirements a chronic lack of adequate funding and a tradition to take risks and break with more established IT solutions…
The EGEE Grid 4/29/2019 3:10 PM Resources mostly provided by HEP institutes, good example of a community distributed world-wide, focus on common goals and with computing requirements which greatly exceed the computing capacity of single computing centers including CERN © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Current trends We discussed yesterday the issues of processor VLSI technology limits and the need for new radical changes in CPU architecture This will have a cascade effect in the entire chain from the processor all the way to the final end-user application Multi-core processors will require multi-thread support on chip, in the O/S, in the compiler and in the overall S/W development environment and application The Grid computing model is by its nature a good match with this evolution at a macroscopic level
Evolution will leverage IT Industry’s Existing trends and R&D Parallel applications development High-productivity IDEs Integrated debugging/profiling/tracing/analysis Code designer wizards Concurrent programming frameworks Platform optimizations Dynamic, profile-guided optimization New programming abstractions Distributed systems issues Web Services & HPC grids Security Interoperability Scalability Dynamic Systems Management Self (re)configuration & tuning Reliability & availability RDMS + data mining Ease-of-use Advanced indexing & query processing Advanced data mining algorithms Digital experimentation Collaboration-enhanced Office productivity tools Structure experiment data and derived results in a manner appropriate for human reading/reasoning (as opposed to optimizing for query processing and/or storage efficiency) Enable collaboration among colleagues (Scientific) workflow environments Automated orchestration Visual scripting Provenance
Where Grids will be in 5 years? (from SC’05 panel) Like in the past ES, AI, networking, OS Grid will disappear from the hot research (and hype) space and become mainstream technology Major Grids already work in production Major IT vendors will integrate Grid middleware in their standard products ISPs will offer a wide range of services Grid based A full mature market will develop for these services Computing and data resources will become commodities on the Internet The result will be a tremendous computing and data processing power to enable new scientific applications and generate opportunities for business applications A potential leveler for a worldwide science and economy Digital Divide could be moderated and time will tell how wrong we are in our predictions now…