Multiple filtration to treat the putative novel peptides. Multiple filtration to treat the putative novel peptides.A, Venn diagram indicating the overlap results of multiple filtration schemes for the putative novel peptides. The filtration includes PEAKS PTM (orange), BLASTp short search (yellow), BLASTp normal search (green) and regular expression match (blue). After the filtration, a total of 3,346 of the putative novel peptides (red) remain. B, The spectrum/peptide distribution passing and removed by filtration. The upper panel (four blocks): the color bars indicate the distribution of spectra and peptides removed by the different filtration methods as in 3A. Lower panel (two blocks): comparison of the distribution of spectra and peptides for the total novel peptides with and without filtration. Zhe Ren et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2019;18:86-98 © 2019 Varland et al.