Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (Let’s work together) Dr Anya L. Hunt -CEO ©Copyright of The Char tered Society of Forensic Sciences

Historical progression Formed in 1959 – a small group of forensic scientists who wanted to meet regularly to share experiences Professional body in 2004 Student Affiliate Professional – Member (MFSSoc) Fellow (FFSSoc) Granted Royal Charter in 2013 in recognition of Society’s dedication to professionalism

Quality & CSFS Membership Chartered (ChFP) Fellow (FCSFS) CPD/CoPC Member (MCSFS) Associate (ACSFS) Training Quality & CSFS Membership Affiliate PEAC Student Education

Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide Promotes & develops regulation in forensic science & practice Provides opportunities for education, training & development for forensic practitioners Strives to continuously improve its internal structure & finances Supports and encourages research & development in the forensic sciences ©Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

CSFS Product Portfolio Affiliate or Professional Membership Conferences and Events Quality Standards Publications bundle Free events for members Forensic Course Accreditation, Recognition & endorsement Post Nominals Networking 1 day targeted CPD events Engagement workshops Free PEN testing Certificates of Professional Standards (CoPC) Consultancy register reduced price Professional indemnity insurance Conferences Research symposia Competency Frameworks Money off learning resources ……and more Training courses Collaborative events Accreditation supports for ST’s and SMEs

Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Quality, Performance and Learning Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide Crime Scene (including Accident Investigation) to be accredited to 17020, including the codes by 2020 The FSR will be given statutory powers Compliance across all sectors will be strictly enforced & power to investigate non compliance All reaccreditation and surveillance will include assessment against from the codes on all visits from Sept 2016 Competence is critical for all roles and must be supported (including funding for CPD) Opinions should be calibrated – the best way is to assess performance against known samples ©Copyright The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

The Roles, EXAMPLE from CSI SFJCN101 Develop and implement forensic strategies complex investigations The Roles, EXAMPLE from CSI SFJCN801 Analyse and compare forensic materials SFJCN301 Prepare for forensic investigations SFJCN701 Receive and process items for forensic examination SFJCN803 Undertake technical analyses of forensic samples SFJCN401 Manage forensic investigations at scenes SFJCN601 Evaluate the forensic investigation of scenes SFJCN702 Determine forensic examinations to be undertaken for exhibits SFJCN804 Assign conclusions to forensic findings SFJCN402 Create visual records for forensic investigations SFJCN404 Package, store and transport items of potential evidence SFJCN703 Examine exhibits SFJCN805 Review findings relating to comparisons of forensic samples SFJCN403 Undertake forensic examinations at scenes of incidents SFJCN704 Evaluate forensic submissions to obtain best evidence and value SFJCN902 Communicate findings & implications from forensic exams WHAT ARE WE ACTUALLY ASSESSING?

Prepare for forensic investigations SFJCN401 Manage forensic investigations at scenes SFJCN402 Create visual records for forensic investigations SFJCN403 Undertake forensic examinations at scenes of incidents SFJCN404 Package, store and transport items of potential evidence SFJCN601 Evaluate the forensic investigation of scenes P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P10 P17 P11 P20 P14 P7 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K14 K26 K16 K35 K17 K21 P = Performance Criteria……you must be able to……… K – Knowledge & Understanding……you need to know understand

CSFS Competence assessment Subject specific Year 2 Year 3 Notes Year 1 CSFS Membership Affiliate ACSFS/MCSFS ACSFS/MCSFS Everyone initially enrols as an affiliate individuals encouraged to apply to upgrade for free during first 3yrs. 25 Points per yr 25 Points per yr 25 Points per yr CPD CSFS SELF Other CSFS SELF Other CSFS SELF Other The PD requirement can be truly individualised based on performance at each stage or force led (or combination) all based on NOS Performance criteria and feed into all assessment types & CPD needs CSFS CoPC PD Requirements PD Requirements General CSFS Dip Sampling CSFS Dip Sampling CSFS Competence assessment Subject specific Observation Observation Mock practical PDP PDP PDP Output Based on a rolling 3 year cycle, Performance criteria selected based on role or developmental needs assessment

How do we get started and how is the PD requirement Your Discipline 5 years experience What training do I think I need? What are my weaknesses? Self assessment What training would I like – what are my career aspirations? How do we get started and how is the PD requirement truly individualised based on performance at each stage or Force led (or combination) all based on NOS Performance criteria and feed into all assessment types & CPD needs Performance Gaps Case work review Knowledge Gaps Performance Gaps Assessment Knowledge Gaps

Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Build your portfolio Chartered Forensic Practitioner Status based on competence (CPC or workplace proven & CPD Work with us to make it work for you Aligned with Chartered status as awarded by other professional bodies/Institutes (ie Engineers, surveyors etc) Visible dedication to CPD – recorded (some automatically and some manually) What is CPD, structured and non-structured come be equally valid (if appropriate and effective) Use in isolation or ideally as part of a QMS Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Forensic Regulation Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide Supporting forensic practitioners worldwide Copyright of The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences