Comma Lesson #6: Interjection
Interjection rule: Use a comma after a MILD interjection Interjection rule: Use a comma after a MILD interjection. Interjections with more emphasis or emotion should be followed by an exclamation mark Examples: Oh, what a beautiful sunset. Wow, you have great handwriting. Oh! Watch out for that pothole! Wow! Did you see that play?
Practice this skill: IXL 5th grade, KK.4 Writing practice: Create a sentence that contains an interjection and a date (day, month, year). Create a sentence that contains a direct address and an interjection. Create a line of dialogue that begins with the speaker tag and contains an interjection and a place (city, state or city, country). Create a line of dialogue that ends with the speaker tag and contains an interjection and items in a series.