Transcripts of testicular gonadotropin-releasing hormone, steroidogenic enzymes, and intratesticular testosterone levels in infertile men Yung Ming Lin, M.D., Song Ling Poon, M.Sc., Jung Hye Choi, Ph.D., Johnny Shinn Nan Lin, M.D., Peter C.K. Leung, Ph.D., Bu Miin Huang, Ph.D. Fertility and Sterility Volume 90, Issue 5, Pages 1761-1768 (November 2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.08.078 Copyright © 2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 Messenger RNA transcript levels of GnRH-I (A), GnRH-II (B), and GnRH-R (C) and the GnRH-I/GnRH-II ratio (D) in different testicular histopathological groups. Significant differences were found among the four groups for GnRH-I (P=.001), GnRH-II (P=.01), and GnRH-R (P=.01). Asterisks indicate statistical difference between the normal spermatogenesis and spermatogenic failure groups (∗P<.05; ∗∗P<.01). NR = normal spermatogenesis; HS = hypospermatogenesis; MA = maturation arrest; SCOS = Sertoli cell–only syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 2008 90, 1761-1768DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.08.078) Copyright © 2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions
Figure 2 Correlations between GnRH transcripts and GnRH-R transcripts. Positive and significant correlations were noted between GnRH-I (A) and -II (B) transcripts and GnRH-R transcripts. The r-value and significance value (P) are shown on each graph. NR = normal spermatogenesis; HS = hypospermatogenesis; MA = maturation arrest; SCOS = Sertoli cell–only syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 2008 90, 1761-1768DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.08.078) Copyright © 2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions
Figure 3 Messenger RNA transcript levels of steroidogenic enzymes in different testicular histopathological groups. No significant difference were found among the four groups for StAR (A), CYP17A1 (B), and HSD17B3 (C) (P=.123, .067, and .215, respectively). Significant differences were found among the four groups for the CYP11A1 (D) and HSD3B2 (E) genes (P=.039 and .002, respectively). Asterisks indicate statistical difference between the normal spermatogenesis and spermatogenic failure groups (∗P<.05; ∗∗P<.01). NR = normal spermatogenesis; HS = hypospermatogenesis; MA = maturation arrest; SCOS = Sertoli cell–only syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 2008 90, 1761-1768DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.08.078) Copyright © 2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions