Accreditation Masterclass 360 View – A Provider Perspective Dr Rachel McCarthy Consultant Clinical Scientist Head of Audiology
Accreditation at the Royal Berks Audiology Physiological Services accreditation (IQIPS) obtained in 2014 Medical Laboratories: Pathology, Biochem, Phlebotomy & Haem accreditation maintained 2016 Other? Physiological Services? Imaging?
Why did we do it? … Improving Quality? More of the same Lead on from QET (Quality Enhancement Tool) Badge of Quality Climate of Commissioning Challenge – evidence quality Contractual Any Qualified Provider contract obligations Was a commitment to improving quality #1 – not really. Challenging commissioning climate … Improving Quality?
How did we find it? It takes time / resources ++ We under-estimated it It can test the spirits! Quality improvement ++ Motivating / engaging team It can lift the spirits! 4
Tips #1 Be organised Set tight but realistic timelines Draw up an audit plan / evidence schedule Plan in sufficient time Meet regularly to keep on track / avoid duplication #2 Delegate Choosing the right person for the right job 5
Tips #3 Be clever Think how to combine evidence / audits #4 Learn from others Don’t re-invent the wheel – share! (eg from other services, BAA Facebook, BAA IQIPS blog, UKAS events) #5 Sell it to management And shout about it 6
Benefits of Accreditation 1. Quality Improvement! 2. Badge of quality: Commissioners, Trust Managers, patients 3. Benchmark against others 4. Morale booster for the team 5. Internal leverage: capital bids, estates & facilities projects 6. Fulfilling contractual obligations – move towards mandatory? 7
Thank you for listening 8