Walker Street Reconstruction Project 25% Design Public Hearing Lenox Town Hall September 25th, 2013
Intersection of Walker Street & Route 7/Route 20 Bypass Project Summary Reconstruction of approximately 8,074 feet (1.53 miles) of roadway Widening of shoulders to improve bicycle accommodations Reconstruction and addition of sidewalks (north side of road) Drainage, sewer and water system improvements Minor sight distance improvements at East Street intersection LIMIT OF WORK Intersection of Walker Street & Crystal Street/Mill Street near the Lee Town Line LIMIT OF WORK Intersection of Walker Street & Route 7/Route 20 Bypass Walker Street, Lenox, MA Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Status of Project Preliminary Public Hearing held on January 19, 2011. Submitted 25% Design Plans and Preliminary Right of Way Plans to MassDOT in June 2012. Provided revised design plans and Design Exception Report for horizontal alignment exception in Lenox Dale. Resubmitted in February 2013. Revised Preliminary Right of Way Plans and Utility Plans per MassDOT comments and resubmitted in July 2013. Town performed an overlay of a portion of Walker Street in August 2013. Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Pre-Existing/Existing Conditions - Pavement WHY ARE WE PROPOSING THIS PROJECT? Extensive wheel rut cracking and settlement along long portions of roadway (prior to August 2013 overlay) High percentage of Truck Traffic and inadequate subgrade Inadequate roadway shoulders Poor subsurface and surface drainage Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Existing Conditions - Sidewalk WHY ARE WE PROPOSING THIS PROJECT? Lenox Dale sidewalks have inadequate width and alignment Inadequate grade transitions Poor drainage ADA non-compliant Remaining roadway has no sidewalks from Route 7/20 to Lenox Dale Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Existing Conditions – Drainage, Sewer & Water WHY ARE WE PROPOSING THIS PROJECT? Significant drainage deficiencies in the Lenox Dale area Other areas of poor/insufficient drainage Old/aging water and sewer mains Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Proposed Work - Pavement Reconstruct 8,074 feet (1.53 miles) of road Provide 11-foot travel lanes New base and pavement to fix substandard existing pavements Improved bicycle accommodations 4-foot bike lanes where no curbs are present 5-foot bike lanes where curbs are present 6-foot bike lanes where guardrails are present Uniform cross section and crown for proper surface drainage Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Proposed Work - Sidewalks 6-foot wide cement concrete sidewalks proposed along entire length of Walker Street Existing sidewalks to be replaced with new New sidewalks along the north side of the road from the Route 7/20 bypass to Elm Street Sidewalk narrows in various locations in order to protect wetland areas (5’ wide) and to avoid utility pole relocations (3’ wide min.) Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Proposed Work – Typical Sections N.T.S. – See full scale sections on presentation boards Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Proposed Work – East Street Intersection Improve sight distances with tree pruning/removal and utility relocation Improved alignment Improved signage and pavement markings Proposed raised island and rumble strips Image Source: Google Maps Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Proposed Work – Drainage, Water & Sewer Replacement and installation of approximately 4,640 linear feet of drainage piping Replacement of various drainage manholes and catch basins Installation of approximately 1,860 linear feet of water main Installation of approximately 1,570 linear feet of sewer main Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Permitting & Easement Requirements Permitting will be required through MassDEP, MEPA (Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act), ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) and the local Conservation Commission for work near and within wetlands and water courses and the ACEC (Area of Critical Environmental Concern) Wetland alterations are proposed to be replicated on site and trees are proposed in various locations to mitigate the impacts of sidewalk installation and other construction activities 24 Permanent Easements and 54 Temporary Easements are proposed to complete the work Permanent Easements include those for walls, drainage, wetland replication and utility pole guy wires Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Schedule Task Estimated Timeline Public Hearing September 25, 2013 75% Design & Permitting Phase Winter 2013 & Spring 2014 Obtain Permits & Prepare 100% Design Plans Fall 2014 Finalize Right-of-Way & Easement Plans Winter 2014 Prepare Final Construction Documents Spring 2015 Advertisement & Construction As Per TIP Funding Foresight Land Services, Inc.
Conclusions Roadway Reconstruction Project Questions/Comments? Repair poor and failing pavement Replace and repair failing drainage, sewer and water systems Improve/widen shoulders for safety and bicycle accommodations Reconstruct and add new sidewalks Questions/Comments? Full plan set available for review Engineers & Town Officials available after presentation Foresight Land Services, Inc.