The Journey Begins Here …


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Presentation transcript:

The Journey Begins Here … 2019 School Battery quest The Journey Begins Here …

Did you know ... Approximately 677,260 pounds of batteries are sold in Vermont each year. That’s a lot of batteries! Like more than 338 tons of batteries, or more than 520 Holsteins weigh. What should YOU do with all those batteries once they no longer power devices? YOU RECYCLE THEM!!!

Why Recycle Batteries? When a battery gets properly recycled it gets broken down and precious resources are recovered. Recycling your batteries will also prevent the batteries from filling up our landfills.

What happens to recycled batteries? In Vermont, batteries are collected at special recycling drop-off locations conveniently located all over the state. The materials recovered from a recycled battery can be turned into steel pots & pans, the asphalt on our roads, golf clubs, sunscreen and of course, new batteries. Reusing these materials instead of mining for new resources saves a lot of energy and protects our environment too!

How can YOU (and Your Family & Friends) Help? In 2018, more than 146,000 pounds of batteries were collected at drop-off sites in Vermont. That means only 1 out of every 5 batteries sold in Vermont were recycled properly – there is room to grow! You can help make a difference by participating in the School Battery Quest!

What types of batteries can be recycled? Primary/ Single-Use batteries – these batteries are meant to be used once and then recycled. They cannot be recharged! Rechargeable batteries - There are four types of rechargeable batteries. Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), and Small Sealed Lead Acid (SSLA/Pb). Any item that needs to be plugged-in to charge probably uses one of these types of batteries!

Safety First! Safety is always a top priority when it comes to battery recycling. • Store batteries in a cool place, preferably in cardboard or plastic, avoiding metal containers • Keep batteries dry and away from sources of heat, combustible, or flammable materials • Protect the terminals on batteries that can short circuit (e.g., 9V or lithium-ion batteries batteries) by taping their terminals with non-conductive tape, like electrical or duct tape. You can also individually bag batteries. There is more information online about safely preparing your batteries.

Where can I recycle them? There are battery drop-off locations throughout Vermont where batteries can be safely collected to be recycled. 99% of Vermonters live within 10-miles of a drop-off location. Check with your local town or regional recycling drop-off facility or visit with your parent or guardian to find all of the available locations near you.

Join the School Battery Quest! Take home project to complete with your family Read and review the student packet with your family Complete the home battery estimator Begin collecting used batteries Take the used batteries to a drop off location – do not bring them to school Bring in the completed battery collection tracker and help win a prize!

THANK YOU! Thank you for taking part in the School Battery Quest and for doing your part to help conserve resources and keep batteries out of our landfills! REMEMBER – safety first and GOOD LUCK!