Bantu Migrations
The Bantu peoples Originated in the region around modern Nigeria Agricultural Society Cultivated yams and palm oil Herded goats Population pressure drove migrations Spread to south and east Languages differentiated into about 500 distinct related tongues
Early migrations of Bantu (3000-1000 B.C.E.) Move south and west into the forest lands Absorb much of the population of hunter/gather/fisher people By 1000 B.C.E. occupy most of Africa south of the equator
Bantu rate of migration increases after 1000 B.C.E. appearance of iron Iron tools allow them to clear more land for agriculture Iron weapons give them stronger position Bantu rate of migration increases after 1000 B.C.E.
Early Agricultural Societies Of Sub-Saharan Africa Many other societies besides Bantu migrate Spread of agriculture to most of sub-Saharan Africa by 1000 B.C.E. Much mixing of cultures Religious differences by area Some worship single, impersonal divine force representing good and bad Many individuals pray to ancestors and local gods Early Agricultural Societies Of Sub-Saharan Africa Watch the Migration
Indo-European Migrations
Indo-European Origins Linguists discover similarities between many languages they must be related Dark Green: majority of people speak IE languages Light Green: IE minority language with official status
Who were the Indo-Europeans? Originate in steppes of central Asia probably southern Russia or the Ukraine Organized into small tribes pastoral people Cattle were the primary measure of wealth Consumed dairy and beef products Calculated prices in terms of cattle Domesticate horses learn to ride use horses with carts then chariots Who were the Indo-Europeans?
Indo-European Expansion & Its Effects Indo-European society begin to migrate around 3000 B.C.E. Hittites settle in central Anatolia about 2000 B.C.E. Build powerful kingdoms Conquer Babylonian empire 1595 B.C.E. Dissolve by about 1200 B.C.E. Technology: light horse-drawn chariots (spokes) and iron metallurgy Some migrate into central Asia by 2000 B.C.E. Other migrations: Greece, Italy, central Europe, western Europe, Britain All pastoral agriculturalists All speak related languages and worship similar deities Later wave of migrations to Iran and India (“Aryan”) Influence social hierarchy and religion
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Harappan Society developed along the Indus river valley around 3000 bce Mohenjo-Daro developed along the Indus river Both very advanced cities and laid the foundation for future empires
Aryans Indo-European – pastoral / agriculture Sanskrit – sacred language Prakrit – everyday language Vedas – collections of religious and literary works – orally transmitted Caste system – determined the places that individuals and groups occupied in society – patriarchal society Aryans
Varnas – refers to social classes “color” Brahmins – priests Kshatriyas - warriors and aristocrats Vaishyas – cultivators, artisans, merchants Shudras – landless peasants, serfs Untouchables – performed dirty or unpleasant task Jati – subcastes – occupation largely determined this