Mrs. Harrelson u.S. history Chapter 12, Pages 330- 347 THE JACKSON ERA Mrs. Harrelson u.S. history Chapter 12, Pages 330- 347
Expanded voting rights in 1828 By the 1820s, White male sharecroppers, factory workers, and others could now participate in the political process. By 1828, nearly all states let voters, rather than state legislatures, choose presidential electors. Women still could not vote. African Americans and Native Americans had few rights of any kind
Jacksonian democracy Democrats wanted to further open government to the people. The federal government had become a bureaucracy, a system in which nonelected officials carry out laws. "To the victors belong the spoils." Jackson had won the election, his supporters had the right to the spoils, or benefits, of victory ->the spoils system.
The tariff debate A tariff is a tax on imported goods. The Northeastern states placed a high tariff on European goods . Tariffs made European goods more expensive. This encouraged Americans to buy American-made goods. Southerners disliked the tariff. The south made money selling their cotton to Europe. They were afraid that the Europeans would stop trading with them.
How did the election of 1828 show the growth of democracy? Review….. How did the election of 1828 show the growth of democracy? How was the tariff debate related to states rights?
Jackson’s war against the bank lesson 3 Jackson's opponents planned to use the Bank to defeat him in the 1832 election They thought that if Jackson tried to veto the renewal of the Bank's charter, he would lose support. "The bank is trying to kill me. But I will kill it." While laying in bed sick, Jackson vetoed the bill. He argued that the Bank was unconstitutional Most people supported Jackson's veto, and Jackson was reelected.
Jackson and the bank Jackson then decided to "kill" the Bank even before its current charter ended. He ordered all government deposits withdrawn and placed in smaller state banks. In 1836 he refused to sign a new charter for the Bank, and it closed.
The Whig party After Jackson, The Democrats chose Van Buren, Jackson's vice president. The Whigs: former National Republicans and other anti-Jackson forces The Whigs nominated three candidates. Each had support in a different part of the nation. Martin Van Buren (Dem) won the election in 1836
The panic of 1837 When the Bank closed in 1836, control over state banks vanished. Some of these banks began issuing huge amounts of banknotes. Concerned that these notes had little value, the government stopped accepting them as payment for purchasing public land This lead to a public panic and depression (unemployment, no food or money…)
The election of 1840 and the log cabin campaign Democratic Ticket: Reelect Van Buren Whig Ticket: William Henry Harrison/Zachary Tyler The Whigs portrayed Harrison, who in reality was wealthy, as a simple frontiersman like Jackson. Democrats attacked this image. They said that all Harrison was good for was sitting in front of a log cabin and collecting his military pension. The Whigs used this image for their campaign
The Harrison and Tyler presidency Inauguration day was bitterly cold. Harrison insisted on delivering his long speech without a hat or coat. He died of pneumonia 32 days later. He served the shortest term of any president, John Tyler became the first VP to gain the presidency because of the death of a president. Tyler was also the nation's youngest president up to that time.