Senior English 2/8/16 What do you think of the creature? Is he the villain that Frankenstein makes him out to be? Textual evidence? What is a zebra? Winklepickers – pointed shoes. Goals – Discuss Thematic questions for Frankenstein. Homework – If you have not been annotating prepare for tomorrow’s discussion by having a quote and question to discuss. Twenty six sizes larger than an A bra.
Senior English 2/9/16 In Chapter 13, besides learning to speak and write, what else does the creature learn? How does it make the creature ponder his place in the universe? Why don’t cannibals like to eat clowns? Zizz- nap. Goals – Work on comprehsion/discussion questions for chapter 15,16. Decide which you would most like to discuss in class tomorrow. Homework – Complete any questions you did not finish in class. They have a funny taste.
Senior English 2/10/16 What did the creature say that finally convinced Frankenstein to make him a mate. Why did it work? Ch. 17. Why don’t lobsters share? Big six – the words you can’t say on TV. Goals – Discuss student choice questions from quiz or earlier openers. Homework – In chapter 18, how does Victor manipulate his father so that he can work on making a mate for his creation. Written response with quote and page reference. They are shellfish.
Senior English 2/11/16 In chapter 19, quote the passage(s) that tells how Victor views his life in regards to the monster and his demand. What does is say about his mental health? Why did the belt go to jail? Fico – “an act of contempt done with the fingers, expressing a fig for you.” Goals – Discuss student choice questions from quiz or earlier openers Homework – In Chapter twenty make an inference about what the monster means when he tells Victor, “I shall be with you on your wedding night.” explain your reasoning. Because it held up a pair of pants.
Senior English 2/12/16 Five minutes to prepare for Vocab 17. Why is reasonable doubt such a valuable tool for justice in our system? What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work? Culch – Rubbish, bull. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary 17. Discuss a student choice question about the book. Homework – none. A stick.