B P Poudyal I P Ghimire NASC Meeting management B P Poudyal I P Ghimire NASC
Outline Preparation of meeting and agenda setting Communication for meeting Conducting meeting Note taking and minute writing Key considerations Post meeting consideration
Meaning of meeting A meeting is a number of people assembled together, usually at a pre-stated date and time, to discuss a topic for the purpose of presenting information, formulating a decision, practicing a skill, and/or developing a plan of action.
Meeting Facts 25% to 80% of managers’ and professionals’ time is spent in meetings More than 33% of time spent in meetings is unproductive,
Purpose of the meeting Take decisions Collect views, information and proposal Briefing Exchange information Generating ideas Find out the nature and causes of a problem
5 Tips of effective meeting management 1. Begin with a purpose 2. Start on time 3. Press for closure 4. Summarize the main point 5. Keep a record
Exercise..Meeting. Role Play Group Work
गृह मन्त्रालयका सचिवको अध्यक्षतामा बनेको छात्रवृति समिति ५ सदस्यीय रहेको छ l १ जना ऱा.प.तृतीय श्रेणीको अधिकृतलाई भुटानमा संचालन हुने Disaster Risk Management बिषयक १५ दिने प्रशिक्षणमा मनोनयन गर्नु पर्ने अवस्था छ l उक्त प्रशिक्षण मिति २०७५l९l१५ देखि २०७५l९l३० सम्म ठिम्पूमा संचालन हुने जानकारी समेत भुटान सरकारबाट प्राप्त पत्रमा उल्लेख छ l उक्त तालिममा १० जना कर्मचारीले निबेदन समेत दिएका छन् l उक्त अवस्थामा बैठक बसी निर्णय गर्नुहोस l
What to do during the meeting Start on Time Ensure the quorum Review agenda Keep discussion focused Encourage participants Summarize decision Evaluate meeting Agree on action plan
What to do before meeting Clarity purpose and aim Create an ajenda Schedule the meeting Post and send out ajenda Circulate supporting information Make room arrangement Arrange the recorder
How to take minute Type of meeting Date Time Place List of attendees and those absent Language should be clear Keep in a safe place
Meeting is for Coming together To have the discussion To hit the agenda Coordination To get the result To unbundle the problems Share ideas & shared responsibility Togetherness
Meeting Types Business meeting Marketing meeting Government meeting Negotiation meeting Decision meeting Consultative meeting Staff meeting Project team meeting
Extended form of Meeting Conference Round Table Discussions Seminar Negotiation Delegation Bilateral/Multi-lateral Visit Assembly (गाउँसभा, नगरसभा, प्रदेशसभा, प्रतिनिधिसभा, राष्ट्रिय सभा)
Phases of meeting Preparation Facilitation Follow-Up
Meaning of Meeting Management The ability to successfully organize and assemble a group of people with shared interests, usually in a formal setting, for the purpose of discussions is known as meeting management skill. Effective meeting management involves planning and organizing well-structured meetings where members of the team can accomplish more in less time.
Meeting Management Meeting, Management Committee POSDCORB Committee ऐन, नियम, विनियम, निर्देशिका, कार्यविधिमा नै समितिको व्यवस्था जस्तै :निजामती सेवा ऐन २०४९ र नियमावलीमा भएका समितिहरूको व्यवस्था स्थानीय तह सञ्चालन ऐन २०७४/नियमावली सार्वजनिक खरिद ऐन, २०६४ / नियमावली २०६५
COMMON COMPLAINTS Disorganized Deadly DULL! Too long Poorly run
Components of Meeting Management Time, Cost Agenda Circulation – email, letter, phone call Meeting place/venue Transportation allowances etc Sitting arrangement Attendance arrangement Minutes writing skills
… contd Components of Meeting Management Floor the agenda Listening skills Rap- porting (Pick up the consensus points) Decision approval Meeting Decisions implementation and Follow up
Disruptive Coming in late Argumentative Side Conversation Reward and thank those who were there on time. Keep temper in check and model for group. Find some merit in points made. Speak in private. Avoid sarcasm. Restate last comment made. Explain to group the need to hear information.
नेपालको बैठक व्यवस्थापन समस्या र चुनौती नेपालको बैठक व्यवस्थापन समस्या र चुनौती बैठकको समय व्यवस्थान नहुनु सूचना प्रभावकारी रूपमा नपुग्ने बैठकका Agenda को गोपनियता Vs स्वार्थ समूहको घेरा निर्णय लेखन – clearly नबोल्ने, गोलमटोल भाषा केही गर्नका लागि बैठक केही नगर्नका लागि बैठक अन्तर सरकारी निकायको समन्वयको कमी एक तहका पदाधिकारी बसेर गरेको निर्णय अर्को तहबाट Approval नहुने (स्वार्थ)
नेपालको बैठक व्यवस्थापन समस्या र चुनौती नेपालको बैठक व्यवस्थापन समस्या र चुनौती कतिपय बैठक बैठकको लागि मात्रै हुन जाने भत्ता प्रयोजनका लागि बैठक लम्व्याउने कार्यालय समय अगाडी वा पछाडीका बैठक दातृ निकायका बैठक खर्चिलो हुनु – नगरकोट, धुलिखेल, चितवन वा अन्य
Thank you