CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature


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Presentation transcript:

CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 16th meeting – 27-28/03/14 Agenda item 2.1 Progress on Target 1 Developments since CGBN of Sept 2013 plus fitness check

Overview This ppt to focus on following selected topics (see doc 2.1 for full info): Marine issues Natura 2000 Award Scheme Large Carnivores Fitness Check

Marine issues – site designations Significant marine areas added (mainly from UK) in last update of Union SCI list Overall picture remains (offshore gap, discrepancies among marine regions/sub-regions) Marine SPAs adressed at last Ornis Committee meeting Issue to be discussed at NDM

Marine issues – Marine expert group Last meeting 7 November 2013, main topics: Marine Natura 2000 designations (State of play) Overall MPAs (State of play - forthcoming EEA report under MSFD) CFP reform – new EMFF (Outcomes in relation to N2000 and other MPAs) Draft doc on sensitivity analysis in relation to fisheries impacts Outline of note on applying Art. 6 HD to fisheries Options for setting up marine biogeographic process On basis of comments, new versions of documents to be consulted with MEG in view of next meeting end Oct Dedicated meeting of MEG in May on MPA assessment methodology under MSFD (lead: marine unit)

Marine issues Marine Biogeographic process CFP reform 1st discussion at Marine Expert Group 7/11/2013 Kick-off meeting planned in end Oct 2014 (back-to back with next MEG meeting) CFP reform New CFP Regulation adopted Specific provisions for N2000-related fisheries measures Concerns about required 'joint recommendations' – to be discussed at NDM New EMFF finalised – adoption imminent – significant opportunities for N2000

Marine issues - 1st Joint nature/marine/water Directors meeting Vilnius, 4/12/2013 - Outcomes available Initiative welcomed Suggestions for practical cooperation Next concrete step: workshop in autumn 2014 on sharing objectives between MSFD/WFD/BHD – invitation for prep group sent out Progress to be reviewed at future Directors' meetings Further joint meetings (next one likely under LUX Presid.)

Natura 2000 Award to promote best practices for nature conservation in Europe and give more visibility to Natura 2000

Natura 2000 Award 5 categories: communication, conservation, reconciling interest and perceptions, networking and cross-border cooperation, socio-economic benefits 163 applications, evaluated by independent experts, 25 shortlisted Jury meets in April to decide the winners Award Ceremony on 21st of May Local events Communication 49 Socio-economic benefits 8 Conservation 58 Reconciling interests 38 Networking 10

Why did we launch the new initiative on Large Carnivores?   Return of the Large Carnivores (progress in achieving Favourable Conservation Status, with some exceptions), low social acceptance (within certain rural areas/categories), political sensitivities. Large Carnivores:   Launch of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores on 10/06/2014 Aim: Provide a structure for constructive dialogue to find solutions to human – large carnivore conflicts Entry ticket: Signing an agreement stating the key principles of engagement Mission: assemble knowledge and good practices, to exchange experiences among different stakeholders to find commonly agreed solutions to LC conflicts. Population level key actions: revised drafts will be discussed with the Habitats Committee on 29 April, 2014 4 pilot actions involving different stakeholders are being carried out Towards a more common understanding in the setting of Favourable Reference Values (Art 17)?

The Nature Fitness Check Part of Commission REFIT programme A comprehensive policy evaluation to assess whether EU nature legislation is “fit for purpose” Focus on Birds & Habitats Directive Key questions to be addressed Effectiveness (Have the objectives been met?) Efficiency (Were the costs involved reasonable?) Coherence (Does the policy complement other actions or are there contradictions?) Relevance (Is EU action still necessary?) EU added value (Can or could similar changes have been achieved at national/regional level, or did EU action provide clear added value?) Mandate published on web site of Commission

Types of issues to be addressed implementation and integration successes and problems. costs of implementation and of non-implementation administrative burden and opportunities for improving implementation and reducing administrative burden without compromising integrity of the purpose of the directives. implementation in different Member States the views of key stakeholder groups

EU Nature legislation Objectives External factors Expected results/impacts To contribute to ensuring biodiversity through conservation of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats, especially within Natura 2000 MS activities Other biodiversity initiatives Scientific developments Land use changes Climate change Economic crisis forcing rethink on growth and jobs Halting and reversing loss of species and habitats Achieving favourable conservation status Protected area network under effective and efficient management More sustainable land and water management Better ecosystem Services & mutliple benefits to society Actions Identify and select Natura 2000 sites (SPA/SCI/SAC) Establish necessary conservation measures for sites Establish systems for protection of sites, including reconciling with development Put in place necessary financing mechanisms for sites including use of EU funding Encourage management of features of landscape Establish systems of species protection and sustainable use, including derogation system Undertake suveillance and periodic reporting Carry out research Address species re-introductions, control IAS and engage in education and awareness Consequences New mechanisms of co-operation between MS on site selection, protection and management Level of Natura 2000 Coverage (km² designated) Costs and benefits (€) of Natura 2000 Better integration of nature into key sectoral policies Procedures for appropriate assessment to avoid, minimise and offset damage to Natura 2000 site Systems of species protection, sustainable use and derogations System of surveillance, monitoring and reporting Improvements in knowledge about nature Increased awareness about nature and biodiversity

Study contract to support Fitness Check To help answer questions of fitness check Will review available information and evidence Will Consult with Member States and key stakeholders Will evaluate relevant information and evidence sources at EU and Member State levels Will assist with public internet consultation Will assist with organising a workshop

Fitness Check timeframe and next steps Set up dedicated page on DG ENV website to explain and provide information (February 2014 onwards) Establish Commission Services Steering Group (February/March 2014) Launch of External Study Contract (April 2014 to autumn 2015) Public internet consultation (end 2014/start 2015) EU assessment of Article 17 Habitats Directive and Article 12 Birds Directive national reports (first half of 2015) Consultation at Green Week (June 2015) or other appropriate forum for preliminary discussion of fitness check assessment Communication / Staff working document end 2015/early 2016.