Teachers By: Aleeyah tibbitts
What are the fields for teaching? K-12 teacher Special ed teacher Art teacher Gym teacher Music teacher Info tech teacher
Salary Range $34,050-$52,620 It all depends on what kind of teacher you are. So when you start you wont get as much as the people that have worked there longer.
Educational Training Bachelors degree Sometimes masters
Schools that specialize in teaching University of Texas at Austin Vanderbilt University University Cincinnati New York University Arizona State University
Special qualities needed English Speaking
Jennifer Wahl She works at Loyalsock High She won 2018’s Teacher of the Year She was working there for 11 years before she won She loves when kids want to come to her class
My Reaction I don’t want to be a teacher anymore. I wouldn’t want it move away because to many school around here have enough teachers.
Websites Bureau of labor statistics How to become a teacher 5 great colleges for studying early childhood education