Input Presentation for Working Group 4


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Presentation transcript:

Input Presentation for Working Group 4 Summary of main problems noted by member states regarding the European Health Determinants Module Jonas Finger

European Health Determinants Module Rating on European Health Determinants Module Items with a satisfactory score average Item European Health Determinants Module Score average BMI1 How tall are you without shoes? 3.96 BMI2 How much do you weigh without clothes and shoes? 3.89 SK1 Do you smoke at all nowadays? 3.82 SK4 Ever smoked daily, or almost daily, for at least one year? 3.72 SK5 For how many years? 3.64 AL1 How often have you had an alcoholic drink of any kind? 3.62 FV2 How often do you eat vegetables or salad (excluding juice and potatoes)? 3.59 EN4 How many people are so close to you that you can count on them…? 3.54 SK3 How many cigarettes, cigars or pipefuls do you smoke each day? FV1 How often do you eat fruits (excluding juice)? 3.52 AL3 How often did you have 6 or more drinks on one occasion? 3.41 EN3 At your workplace, to what extent are you exposed to …? 3.38 FV3 How often do you drink fruit- or vegetable - juice? 3.37 EN1 At home, to what extent were you exposed to any of the following conditions? 3.32 SK6 Exposed to tobacco smoke indoors at home? SK7 Exposed to tobacco smoke indoors in public places and transport? 3.29 CN2 Have you taken any cannabis? 3.28

European Health Determinants Module Items in Need of Revision (1) European Health Status Module Score average Remove Change totally Some adaptation Physical activity (PE, page 36-38) PE5 How many days walk 10 minutes? 2,89 11 % 33 % PE4 How much time moderate PA? 2,88 7 % 37 % 19 % PE6 How much time walking? 2,85 15 % PE1 How many days vigorous PA? 2,81 22 % PE2 How much time vigorous PA? PE3 How many days moderate PA? Environment (EN, page 39-40) EN2 Extent exposed to crime, etc.? 3,04 20 % 12 %

European Health Determinants Module Items in Need of Revision (2) European Health Status Module Score average Remove Change totally Some adaptation Smoking (SK, page 41-42) SK8 Exposed to smoke at work? 3,22 18 % 4 % 11 % SK2 Tobacco product you smoke? 3,21 0 % 25 % Alcohol (AL, page 43-44) AL2 How many drinks each day? 2,85 8 % 31 % Cannabis (CN, page 44) CN4 Have you taken other drug? 3,17 13 % 21 % CN1 Know people who take cannabis? 35 % CN3 Know people who take drugs? 2,73 38 % 12 %

European Health Determinants Module Qualitative Results (1) Item Main Category Sub-themes PE Concept Difficult to distinguish between “moderate” and “vigorous” activities (HR, DE, FR, LT, RO) Too complicated/difficult to understand (PL, LV, AT, HR, BG) EN2 Focus on one topic (e.g. violence) (DK) Being “exposed to violence” unclear (IT) Ask for “noticed violence” (IT) Question not health-related (LT, DE) Probability too low (LV) Remove question (CZ) SK2 Categories Differentiation between hand-rolled and manufactured unnecessary (BE, DE, CH, DK, SE, IT) Have category for persons who used to smoke (ES, FR, AT) Ask also non-daily smokers (EE) Combine with SK.3 (IT, PL, LV) Remove question (SE, DK) SK8 In some countries there are smoking bans in public places and questions should reflect that (HR, CH, DK,SE, UK)

European Health Determinants Module Qualitative Results (2) Item Main Category Sub-themes CN1-4 Problematic questions Question too sensitive (GR) Too sensitive to be collected via face-to-face (CY) Were not asked (TR) Asking about illegal activities (IE, UK) EHIS is not the right place to ask for drug consumption (AT) CN.2+4 sensitive (SE) Willingness to answer depends on mode of data collection (UK) Concept No corresponding ECHI indicator (BE) Not in a population-based survey (UK) Specification of drugs needed (FR) Cross-country comparison impossible (DK, SE) Not relevant (CH) CN1 Does not ask about own use (SE, DK) Warm up question (FR) Response category “don’t know” superfluous (DK, SE) Not reliable (BE) CN2 Should be “now” and “life-time” (CH, FR) CN4 Should cocaine be separated from amphetamines More response options (drugs) (UK, CZ, MT)

European Health Determinants Module Qualitative Results (3) Item Main Category Sub-themes AL 2 Use of filters Remove filter (SE, DK, ES) Implement introductory question (EE) Response categories “Monthly or less” problematic (SE) “2 to 4 times a month” problematic (BE) Phrasing/Translation Delete “When you are drinking” (SE, DK, SK ) Change wording of question (SK) Translation of questions problematic (SE, BE) Recall period “A typical week” problematic (SE, HU, BE) Replace “in the last 7 days” (HU) Unit of measurement “standard drink” problematic (BE, CZ, EL, LT, AT)

Criteria to Determine the Relevance of the Questions Public health concepts and theories Its use to work out Community indicators (ECHI list, OMC indicators Methodological problems (low prevalence, cross nationally heavy varying prevalence) Its suitability for cross European comparisons A possible overlap with already existing data sources or planned projects (ESAW, LFS ad-hoc modules, SILC, EHSI, IDB) Use of international instruments Social core variables EU policy needs