Commitment 4: Communities and people affected by crisis know their rights and entitlements, have access to information and participate in decisions that affect them.
Participation An approach to engagement whereby people affected by a crisis have the power to influence their situation and the decisions and humanitarian activities affecting them. The modalities depend on the context, and the level of risk.
Why engage with crisis-affected populations?
Because it is the right thing to do? To fulfil a moral duty To respect the fundamental rights and dignity of affected groups To act in solidarity with those who have been affected by crisis or disaster
Because it makes humanitarian aid more effective? To collect information to inform programmes To understand meet the needs of those affected by crisis better To reduce costs and waste or inefficiency
To strengthen society and promote sustainable change? To give people information than enables them to make more informed decisions To strengthen the capacity of local civil society organisations To improve the sustainability of projects and interventions To give people greater control over their lives
To address underlying vulnerabilities and inequalities? To give voice and agency to marginalised groups To increase citizens’ expectations of accountability To transform power structures and dynamics Question for discussion: Might this contradict the humanitarian principles of impartiality and neutrality?
Degrees of empowerment of crisis-affected groups in different approaches to engagement - Dayna Brown & Antonio Donini, ALNAP, 2014
Key: ALNAP ‘Degrees of empowerment’ Providing nformation: About the situation and the response, through radio, SMS, social media, information boards … Consultation: The input of people affected by crisis is sought on aspects of the humanitarian needs and assistance. Two-way communications: Between aid agencies and crisis-affected people regarding needs and the quality, timeliness and relevance of the services being provided. Accountability: Provision of information, consultation, participation, feedback and complaints and response mechanisms.
Key (continued) Participation: Processes that enagage people and communities in different aspects of programming and humanitarian operations, including, where possible, in decision-making processes. Partnerships: An international humanitarian agency works with a local civil society organisation to jointly design and/or implement response activities. Ownership: The community, through local civil society organisations or other structures or institutions, designs and implements response activities themselves.