2019 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment Name Authors’ affiliations ICEMPE 2019 April 7th - 10th, 2019 Guangzhou, China
Notice When you make this file, please make sure that the size of each slide is 16:9. When you edit your PowerPoint file,please use the background we provided.As for the format of the text content, please edit it in your own way. 2019/4/27 2019 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment
2019/4/27 2019 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment
Submission requirements: Please submit your PPT via icempe2019@scut.edu.cn before April 7th, or submit via USB flash drive at the registration desk on April 7th. Each paper in an oral session is allocated 20 minutes, including 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A. Each invited talk is allocated 25 minutes, including 20 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A. Only PowerPoint® files (.ppt or .pptx) with version of 2019 or earlier are supported for oral presentation. Or you can choose submit your presentations as PDF file if you do not have any video clips, with all fonts embedded so that all the mathematical symbols and equations will project properly. This generally avoids the problem of incompatible PPT editors. A laser pointer and microphone will be provided for your use. Any additional technical equipment should be requested at least half a month in advance of the presentation. If your presentation includes videos or animations, it is strongly recommended to convert them into .gif format before insert them into the PowerPoint® document because special video format might not be displayed on the computer. If you have to be absent from the ICEMPE2019 for some irresistible reasons, please inform us in advance via icempe2019@scut.edu.cn 2019/4/27 2019 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment