Lower Juniors LKS2 Mindset
What is mindset? The concept came from Carol Dweck Two schools of thought. Fixed vs growth mindset Fixed – traits are givens, nothing can change that e.g. ‘I’m just not sporty’ Growth – Qualities can be developed through dedication and effort e.g. ‘I may not get this YET, but I will’
Pupils will be taught: About how the brain makes new connections Individuals who have adopted a growth mindset Most importantly - to embrace a way of thinking that celebrates mistakes, not comparing yourself to others and working together through challenges
Key points for adults: Praise carefully – not for intelligence but for effort Encourage deliberate practice and targeted effort e.g. Doodle Maths daily Promote ‘going the extra mile’ and challenging themselves further in class and at home Discuss errors and mistakes and help your children to see them as opportunities to learn and improve