AIG Services 2018-2019 SBL
JCPS Mission To empower our students to enrich their world by facilitating learning through relationships, and relevant, innovative experiences.
JoCo2020 Vision Compassionate and competent school innovators will engage each student in relevant and personalized learning experiences in preparation for careers, college, and life.
NCDPI - AIG: All Day, Every Day! AIG Visions NCDPI - AIG: All Day, Every Day! JCPS - The program for Academically or Intellectually Gifted in Johnston County Public Schools ensures a rigorous academic curriculum within a safe, nurturing environment that empowers students to become innovative learners, creative problem solvers, and powerful communicators, who will be responsible, contributing citizens in a global community.
Website: Follow AIG on Twitter - @JCPSAIG AIG Plan - Revised October 2017 to reflect JoCo2020 - 2019-2022 Plan due in July! State Standards - Rev. May 2018 Services Forms/Procedures Follow AIG on Twitter - @JCPSAIG
Services Environment Middle School: Middle School students must meet county matrix criteria to be in advanced classes. Regular Classroom Subject Grouping in advanced classes (Advanced Language Arts, Math Plus, Math I, English I)
Middle School Curriculum Resources William and Mary Language Arts Units Rigorous Curriculum Design (RCD) Units in ELA/Math Connected Math Project (CMP3)
Communication Process Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) Progress Reports MAP Benchmark Results Report Cards DEP Service/Annual Review
DEP Service Review This tool will inform parents of specific differentiation strategies used by the teacher during the semester. This document will be sent to parents in March.
DEP Service Review
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, Closing Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, AIG Lead Contact, Administration, or JCPS Office of Advanced Learning if you have any questions about this information.
Contact Information Amber Wright - AIG Lead Contact at CMS Angela Becton - AIG Director at the county