Connect sentences or sentence pieces. Conjunctions Connect sentences or sentence pieces.
Coordinating Conjunctions Connect equal pieces of sentence Verb and verb Sentence and sentence Noun and noun Coordinating Conjunctions follow the rule of parallelism. (like parallel lines in math) Someone read the examples in your notes. The first example combines equal nouns. The second example connects equal sentences. If a coordinating conjunction connects WHOLE sentences it requires a comma, otherwise it works alone.
Correlative Conjunctions Just like Coordinating conjunctions except uses to conjunctions that work together. Read the example. It demonstrates using whether…. Or to connect to verb phrases.
Subordinating Conjunctions First lets think about the word Subordinating. Has anyone heard that word before? Same root word as insubordinate People say you are insubordinate if you disobey your authority. If I am a teacher, my students are my subordinates. Also, I am a subordinate to my boss.
Subordinating Conjunctions A subordinating conjunctions attaches itself to a sentence piece and drags it down or makes it weaker. When a sentence is attached to a subordinating conjunction, it can no longer stand alone and must connect with another sentence using a comma. Read the example: both sides of the comma would be whole sentences, but the subordinating conjunctions weakens the first sentence.
Conjunctive Adverb Conjunctive adverbs are good transition words but DO NOT affect the way two sentences connect. They connect ideas in the listener’s brain, but still require the period or semi-colon that is always necessary to separate complete ideas (sentences). Read the example: The first sentence still requires a complete break (a semicolon) before the second sentence is written.