content Overview Benefits for you How the system works Dates for your diary
overview Online cashless system set up to provide payments in advance for you to select menu choices Offers you the opportunity to benefit from incentives Provides a quick and efficient service
Benefits for YOU Accurate record of your monies booked and spent Recording of allergens / tolerances for your children Can book as late as 9.00am on the day the lunch is due to be served Guaranteed order You know what your child is eating You can order as far in advance as menus loaded onto system and view all orders Ability to amend orders if your children are away from school
How the system works All children will be uploaded to the system Communication via letter goes out to all parents You will issued with school code and child identification code Register online with an email address You purchase minimum of 5 meals You pay in advance by debit/credit card Select meal choices in advance The more meals they book – the greater the incentive i.e. buy… 20 meals for the price of 19 OR 30 meals for the price of 27
How the system works Catering manager prints daily menu choices and meal numbers Prepare and cooks accordingly School support with issuing coloured wristbands in conjunction with menu choice – already in place Aspens serve individual according to coloured wristband
Dates for your diary ALL THIS INFORMATION WILL BE ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE Week Commencing 5th Feb 2018 – Letter to Parents confirming login details From Friday 9th February Go Live for Parents registering and booking meals 15th February 2018 – School Main Reception 3pm till 5pm Support for Parents by Aspens and Schools to assist any Parents with questions and registration. Please bring along your codes Monday 26th February after half term – Go Live with 1st pre-ordered meals for your children