ESPON European Spatial Planning Observation Network


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Presentation transcript:

ESPON European Spatial Planning Observation Network New tools for exploring territorial potentials for Europe

ESPON 2006 Programme Characteristics Evidence on Trends (in several thematic fields) Territorial impact of EU policies Integrated analysis Tools European perspective Geographical coverage: Entire EU 25+2+2 countries Statistical units: Nuts 2 and 3 3 level approach in analysis

Geographical coverage: EU 25+2+2 3 Level Approach Local/regional context National/ trans-national context European/global context Each territory needs to be viewed in different geographical contexts. The profile and function of a territory may differ depending on the geographical context. There may also be contradictions between the images at different scales. ESPON has developed the 3-Level-Approach.

Urban structure and economic development Urbanisation Networks Pentagon (14% surface -32 % population - 46% GDP) Increasing importance of Metropolitan regions outside the Pentagon Growth in GDP higher in areas with relatively lower GDP level (% 1995-2002)

Diversity of urban rural areas interdependencies between urban and rural areas Urban influence population density and European ranking of urban centres human intervention (land use = artificial surface + agriculture) Insert map page 11 of ESPON briefing 1 “urban rural typology”

Insert map page 37 of ESPON synthesis report II “Naturalness” Low share of artificial surface Low agricultural intensity High share of Natural surface Mountain areas and the Northern periphery Also still widely spread over all Europe Insert map page 37 of ESPON synthesis report II “Naturalness”

Components of population development, 1996-1999 Ageing and population decline Population becomes more geographically concentrated Competition between regions for human resources Major urban areas and pleasant retirement areas

Accessibility, multimodal, 2001 Core-periphery pattern Air transport more territorially balanced Pentagon and eastwards as well as major urban agglomerations in better situation ICT access depends on national preferences Favours urban areas

Forest Fire Hazards Highest risk of forest fires in the Mediterranean, partly Romania and Bulgaria Climate change can affect frequency and intensity of natural hazards

Research & Development importance Highest expenditure in regions close to the Pentagon and few areas to the North and South At national level often concentration around the capital Knowledge production such as higher education rather territorially balanced in Europe

Regionalised economic Lisbon performance Some regions have better potentials for a knowledge based economy than others 5 of 14 Lisbon indicators show particular Pentagon and selected areas in Northern Europe Eastern Europe face the greatest challenge High potential is not linked to urbanisation

In search of territorial potentials ESPON Midterm results Signs of Europe moving towards better territorial balance and cohesion Signs of increasing competition of regions Confirmation that Europe entails a rich regional diversity and specialisation Every region offers a unique combination of territorial potentials for development Every region faces as well individual challenges Substantial possibilities for exploiting potentials and improving regional competitiveness, particular through territorial cooperation

Human well-being the majority of European countries have a high level of human development index From a global perspective a high level of territorial cohesion exists within Europe The main discontinuity is the border between EU and its neighbours on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea The major discontinuity is in the Sahara, between Northern Africa and the Sub-Saharan countries

ESPON Tools Developed within project 3.1 ESPON Project (Integrated Tools for European Spatial Development) ESPON Tools Guidance Papers Glossary, Bibliography, Policy Support System (map collection), Data Navigator, ESPON Database, and GIS oriented instruments ESPON Database ESPON GIS Oriented instruments: Map Kit Web-GIS, HyperAtlas

ESPON tools for European spatial analysis: mapping Europe ESPON Database is organised as an Access data base file with a special structure (thematic oriented database) that includes meta-data information created by the Transnational Project Groups and co-ordinated and maintained by ESPON project 3.1 and project 3.2. integrates results from all ESPON final reports by including data for 29 European states Part of EUROSTAT data have been included also included contains fundamental regional background information (NUTS 0, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) is divided into two areas: raw data and derivative data (resulted from calculations by ESPON TPGs)

ESPON Database MS-Access Database Accessible via thematic view or by table structure

ESPON Web-GIS Developed by ESPON project 3.1 - UEHR - Research Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources (Panteion University) Interactive and online tool, for use via internet, which will be available on the ESPON website by end of March 2006 Uses the results (statistical data, spatial indicators) which are included in the ESPON Data Base Contains two main elements: Interactive Map Analysis and Interactive Statistical Analysis


ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis Data Category (= Data Navigator) and geographic level selection

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis Metadata tool

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Map Analysis Additional capabilities: 1. Statistics tool 2. Identify tool 3. Query builder tool 4. Find tool 5. Buffer tool 6. Selection tool 7. Print tool

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Statistical Analysis Gives the ability to the user to query the database Results depend on the parameters that the user defines After data compilation, the user can study the selected data as chart, corresponding metadata and statistical information (Min, Mas, average,…) This application has been simplified to three steps: Query the database Data selection Display the selected data

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Statistical Analysis HyperAtlas works with only one window which is composed by: a menu bar, a tool bar, boxes for the parameters, and a collection of the calculated maps (seven)

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Statistical Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Statistical Analysis

ESPON web-GIS: Interactive Statistical Analysis

ESPON HyperAtlas Developed within ESPON project 3.1 – HyperCarte Project Interactive tool, to be installed in the user’s PC, available on the ESPON website by end of March 2006 Gives the opportunity to produce several indicators on the basis of the ratio of two initial geographical indexes according to different spatial contexts. Based on the assumption that it is not possible to evaluate the situation of a given territorial unit without taking into account its relative situation and localisation (Multiscalar Territorial Analysis) Allows the analysis and visualisation of a spatial phenomenon taking into account its multiple possible representations

ESPON HyperAtlas: The MTA’s parameters The contexts for deviation mapping the user has to define the three territorial contexts corresponding to three different levels of spatial observation: global, medium and local. Global context – EU29 or 25 or 15 etc Medium context – essentially the NUTS Level Local context – usually contiguity

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas

ESPON HyperAtlas The synthesis map The three relative positions may be summarized in one synthetic map. The elementary units are classified in 8 classes according to their three relative positions (global, medium and local deviations) The synthesis is based on a deviation threshold, either by upper values or by lower value

ESPON HyperAtlas

Strategic orientations for ESPON II 2007-2013 Evidence and knowledge on territorial development and cohesion (applied research projects) Targeted analytical deliveries (user oriented approach) Monitoring and scientific platform (core indicators, TIA and database) Communication and networks of stakeholders Technical and analytical support

Thank you for your attention Please visit Further information Thank you for your attention Please visit All synthesis documents as well as final and interim results are available for free