Jewelry Day 20 Bead Spiders
Agenda for today Go over what we did last time. Write down steps to making a bead spider. If you are done with your pendant begin work on your bead spider. If you are not done with your pendant make sure you have good notes on your spider and get back to work on your pendant.
Last time We had a work time to get our earrings done & photographed. The whole class was supposed to photograph their earrings in the light box and send it to me. Than we worked to finish our pendants.
Supplies One flat nose plyers One round nose plyers One cutters one 8 inch piece of 20 gage wire (thick). Four 7 inch pieces of craft wire (thin). 1 large bead 1 medium bead 48 bugle beads (the tube looking ones) 48 seed beads (the tiny round looking ones) Make sure that you like them all together because they will be your bead spider.
Step 1 Cut your wires to the length needed for the body and legs of the spider Select the beads you think would go well together to make a spider. Gather supplies
Step 2 Using your 20 gage wire make a coil or a loop at one end of your wire (just like we did with the earrings).
Step 3 Put on the large and small bead in whatever order you think will look best hanging. Finish off the other end with a jewelry loop or coil.
Step 4 Using the 4 thinner wires you will fold in half and wrap around the center of the spider once. Try to keep the legs equal so you have legs that look the same.
Step 4 Alternate pearl beads and bugle beads to create the pattern that you like on each of the legs. The pattern is up to you just make sure to repeat on each leg so they look the same. Once you finish the pattern end the leg with a jewelry loop.
Step 5 Finish by clipping off extra wire and bending your spider to look the way you want it to. You can make it a pendant, a key chain, a charm, or just a stand alone decoration.
Studio Time Finish your pendant photograph and e-mail to Fill out rubric and reflection and put into your hanging file sticking out so I know it is ready to be graded. Begin making your bead spider. You need to complete as many bead projects as possible to get the best grade. If you only make one bead project you will only have that one chance for a grade, so the more you make the better grade you will have.