Helping Our Children To Achieve Welcome Maths is FUN! 24th November 2010
How Maths teaching has changed Traditionally, the teaching of maths was about written methods, learning a way that 'works' to complete a calculation, and then applying it to pages and pages of examples. Since the introduction of the National Numeracy Strategy and more recently the New Framework, teaching has progressed a long way. The main focus is; to give children the chance to explore ways of finding an answer, and being able to explain why it works to give them the key skills needed to solve maths problems in the real world to provide opportunities for real life examples to allow plenty of chances for problem solving activities and days, giving children the chance to use and apply their skills
Changing attitudes towards Maths . . .
Mental Arithmetic The emphasis in KS1 is on mental arithmetic . Useful things to practise at home include: Doubles and halves Bonds of 10, 20 and 100 Adding 2 small numbers Adding or subtracting Using different vocabulary
When ready the children will move on to more formal written methods When ready the children will move on to more formal written methods. Moving to written procedures too fast can mean: Children add/subtract the digits in a column by rote, without understanding what their value is, or what a sensible answer is likely to be Children who rely on written procedures can be more likely to look for a calculator when stuck, not a mental strategy Children can hide their understanding of mathematical concepts behind having a good memory for procedure.
Addition Counting on using objects Counting on using number line Counting on using a hundred square Blank number line (bridging) Partitioning
Subtraction Subtract Minus Less than Take away Fewer than Counting back using objects Counting back using a number line Counting back using a hundred square Blank number line Partitioning Subtract Minus Less than Take away Fewer than
Multiply Groups of Times Lots of Multiplication Doubles Counting in steps of 2,5,10 Counting objects Pictures Number lines Times tables Multiply Groups of Times Lots of
share Group divide Division Halving Sorting hoops and objects Pictures Related times tables facts share Group divide
Helping at home Play board games Cook – measuring and weighing Look at numbers in the environment e.g. telephone keys, number plates, door numbers, book pages, sleeps until Christmas! Money Comparing heights Birthdays, Months of the year, Days of the week Time
Where else can you get ideas? Netmums Our ‘Maths Methods’ booklets BBC Revise / Bitesize Website - (List of useful websites)