Forests cover 42% of Canada’s total area (only Russia and Brazil have more forests than Canada) Softwood forests make up 66% of Canada’s forests consist of mainly coniferous trees (cone-bearing trees with needle leaves) Hardwood forests - make up 12% of the forest cover - consist of mainly deciduous trees (lose their leaves every year) Mixed Forests make up 22% of forests in Canada contain both coniferous and deciduous trees
Characteristics of Forests Commercial forests – consist of trees that can be harvested profitably (trees grow relatively quickly and are accessible) Non-commercial forests – unlikely to be harvested (trees do not grow quickly are large enough for harvesting; too far from transportation routes) Canada has five different forest regions
Economic Impact of Forests Canadian forest industry products are worth $81 billion per year (slightly more than half exported) The industry provides more than 360 000 direct jobs and 500 000 indirect jobs
Methods of Logging 1. Clear-cutting Most popular, fastest, and cheapest method Remove every tree, leaving barren landscape When replanted, the new forest grows uniformly making it easier to log again If no replanting the land may be damaged
2. Shelterwood Logging clear-cutting only part of a forest Leave seed-bearing trees to regenerate the logged area 3. Selective Cutting Harvesting only mature trees of desired size, type, or quality Less disruptive to the forest environment Hardwoods cut in this manner More costly
Manufacturing Operations Pulp and Paper Canada is world’s 2nd largest producer and largest exporter Mills are found in every province except PEI Lumber ex. plywood, cedar shingles, etc. Sawmills smaller than pulp and paper mills Recreation - camping, hiking, canoeing, fishing…
“New Pulp and Paper Mill Will Earn Company Millions of Dollars and Bring 500 New Jobs to Community” VS. “Protesters Block Logging Road to Stop the Cutting of Old-Growth Forest”
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